Ísland: Fleiri upplýsingar

„Ísland: Fleiri upplýsingar,“ Alþjóðlegar frásagnir: Ísland (2019)

„Ísland: Fleiri upplýsingar,“ Alþjóðlegar frásagnir: Ísland

Ísland: Fleiri upplýsingar

  • Einar Eiríksson. „A Short History of the Iceland Mission, 1912.“ Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

  • Matthew K. Heiss. „Sveinbjörg Guðmundsdóttir: ‚Thou Shalt Be Called a Translator.‘“ Mormon Historical Studies, útgáfa 17 (2016): 337–48.

  • Andrew Jenson. History of the Scandinavian Mission. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1927.

  • DeAnne Walker. „Iceland—The Saga Continues.“ Liahona, júní 1997, 34–39.

  • Fred E. Woods, Fire on Ice: The Story of Icelandic Latter-day Saints at Home and Abroad. Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.

  • Fred E. Woods og Kári Bjarnason. „Loftur Jónsson: A Mormon Icelandic Pillar of Strength.“ Mormon Historical Studies, útgáfa 14, nr. 2 (2013): 123–40.

  • Fred E. Woods og Kári Bjarnason. „The First Three Icelanders to Settle in North America.“ Mormon Historical Studies, bindi 17 (2016): 291-314.

  • Markús Þórhallsson. „Freedom of Religion and the First Civil Marriage in Iceland.“ Mormon Historical Studies, útgáfa 17 (2016): 263–76.
