Self-Reliance Resources
Getting Started

“1: Getting Started,” Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience (2020)

“1: Getting Started,” Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience

Getting Started—Maximum Time: 20 Minutes

Have an opening prayer.

Introduce yourselves. Each of you take one minute to share your name and something about yourself.

Welcome to Our Self-Reliance Group!


Because your Heavenly Father loves you, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to strengthen you during any situation you face in life.

This group will help you learn spiritual and practical skills to help each of us better care for our body, mind, emotions, and relationships. As you attend this course, work with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to know how to apply what you learn to your life and the lives of those you love. These meetings will be a safe place for honest sharing as this group follows the principle of confidentiality and uses language and behavior that invites the Spirit. You are invited to share personal experiences; rather than focusing on problems, share solutions you have found or that you would like to try.


This group is for educational purposes only. It is not group therapy or professional treatment for mental health issues. If you believe you are experiencing chronic issues with depression, stress and anxiety, anger, addiction, or other mental health issues, you should seek professional help.

How Does the Group Work?


Self-reliance groups work like a council. There is no teacher or expert. Instead, you follow the materials as they are written. Each group meeting lasts from 90 to 120 minutes. Your ability to connect with each other will help you feel the Spirit and become more emotionally resilient. With the guidance of the Spirit, you will help each other:

  • Contribute equally to discussions and activities. No one, especially the facilitator, should dominate the conversation.

  • Stay within the allotted time given for sharing.

  • Love and support each other. Show interest, ask questions, and be sensitive to others’ feelings.

  • Share positive and relevant comments; avoid sharing graphic details.

  • Make and keep commitments.


My Self-Reliance Group,” available at [4:01]. (No video? Read the following section, “Without a Teacher, How Will We Know What to Do?”)


What made the group in the video successful? What will we do as a group to increase the possibility of having a life-changing experience?

Without a Teacher, How Will We Know What to Do?


It’s easy. Simply follow the materials. Each chapter in the workbook has five parts:

Report: Discuss the progress you made during the week on your commitments.

My Foundation: Review a gospel principle that will lead to greater spiritual self-reliance.

Learn: Learn practical skills that will lead to greater temporal self-reliance.

Ponder: Listen for inspiration from the Holy Ghost on how to act on what you have learned.

Commit: Promise to act on commitments during the week that will help you progress. You will also share what you learn each group meeting with family or friends.

How to Use This Workbook

When You See These Prompts, Follow These Directions







One person reads aloud for the whole group.


The whole group watches the video.


Group members share thoughts for two to four minutes.


Individuals quietly consider, meditate, and write for two to three minutes.


Group members work individually or with others for the specified time.


While this manual is often used in self-reliance groups organized by a stake or ward, it can also be used anytime with family, friends, or neighbors who want to review it together.


Remember that what is shared during group meetings is confidential. The opinions expressed in our group are those of individuals and do not represent the views or the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
