Self-Reliance Resources

“10: Commit,” Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience (2020)

“10: Commit,” Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience

Commit—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Each week we make commitments. Your response in the “Ponder” section could become your personal commitment for the week. Although this is our last meeting, you can continue making commitments to develop your emotional resilience. Read through the following commitments. Decide which of the commitments below you will commit to. Please read each of your commitments aloud. Promise to keep your commitments, and then sign below.

My Commitments

My Commitments

A I will set a date to either attend the temple or, if I do not have a temple recommend, renew my recommend or prepare to receive my temple ordinances.

My Commitments

B I will write down one thing I am grateful for each day and thank God for it.

My Commitments

C I will work on my personal commitment from the “Ponder” section.

My Commitments

D I will share what I learned with family or friends.

My signature

Action partner’s signature
