Lesson 42: Isaiah 48–54

“Lesson 42: Isaiah 48–54,” Old Testament Instructor’s Guide, Religion 301–2 (1994), 83–84

“Isaiah 48–54,” Old Testament Instructor’s Guide, 83–84


Isaiah 48–54

Scripture Content Outline

Supplementary Study Sources

  1. Isaiah 48–49. The Scattering and Gathering of Israel Was Prophesied

    1. Apostate Israel was reminded of God’s foreknowledge, which provided witness of his supremacy (see Isaiah 48:1–8).

    2. The people of Israel were to be tried and refined in the furnace of affliction (see Isaiah 48:9–11).

    3. A call to depart from Babylon (the world) was given (see Isaiah 48:12–22).

    4. Israel would be gathered from captivity and from among the Gentiles (see Isaiah 49:1–12).

    5. “Gentiles” would be nursing fathers and mothers to Israel and the Lord would gather his people and preserve them by his power (see Isaiah 49:13–26; JST, Isaiah 49:25).

Religion 302 student manual, 17-1 through 17-10.

Deuteronomy 4:27. Where would Israel be scattered? (see also Jeremiah 29:18).

Deuteronomy 30:3. Where will the children of Israel be gathered from?

1 Nephi 20–22. The prophet Nephi quoted and explained the prophecies in Isaiah 48 and 49 (note the addition of “waters of baptism” in 2 Nephi 20:1).

Jeremiah 31:10. Who will bring to pass the gathering?

TPJS, p. 183. What is the relationship between the events of gathering and the Lord’s second coming?

TPJS, p. 231.What are the three different groups to be gathered in the last days?

Harold B. Lee, in CR, Apr. 1973, pp. 4–10. What is the gathering of Israel today? (see also Bruce R. McConkie, “Come, Let Israel Build Zion,” Ensign, May 1977, pp. 115–18).

Spencer W. Kimball, in CR, Oct. 1965, p. 72. How can we be nursing fathers and mothers to the children of Israel?

AF, pp. 342–44. A summary of scriptural prophecies of the gathering of Israel.

  1. Isaiah 50–52; 54. The Promise of the Future Redemption and Building of Zion Was Declared to Ancient Israel

    1. Prophecies of the Messiah and of redemption through his power were given (see Isaiah 50; 51:4–8; JST, Isaiah 50:1–8).

    2. The promises of the past would be fulfilled with the establishment of Zion (see Isaiah 51:1–3; 52:1–6).

    3. The Lord would remove Israel’s oppressors and the redeemed of Israel would rejoice in Zion’s day (see Isaiah 51:9–23; JST, Isaiah 51:19–20).

    4. The Lord affirmed that Zion would be established in Israel, though she had been forsaken because of her wickedness (see Isaiah 54:1–10; JST, Isaiah 54:10).

    5. Isaiah prophesied that Zion would arise and be purified and protected (see Isaiah 54:11–17; see also JST, Isaiah 54:15).

    6. The Messiah and his messengers bear the message of peace (see Isaiah 52:7–8).

    7. The Messiah would redeem Zion with great power (see Isaiah 52:9–15; JST, Isaiah 52:15).

Religion 302 student manual, 17-11 through 17-20; 17-28 through 17-29.

Jeremiah 31:31–34. Jeremiah prophesied that the Lord would establish a new covenant with Israel in the last days.

Ezekiel 37:21–28; 39:23–29. What did the Lord prophesy concerning Israel after they had been cast off and had borne their shame? (see also Hosea 2:14–23; 3:4–5).

1 Nephi 22:15–17. How will the Lord preserve and protect the Saints in the latter days? (see also 2 Peter 3:10–13).

D&C 113:7–10. Comments on Isaiah 52:1–2. What is the relationship between the building of Zion and the gathering?

3 Nephi 21. Events associated with the gathering and restoration of Israel are discussed.

  1. Isaiah 53. The Great Atonement, the Suffering and Death of the Messiah, Was Prophesied

Religion 302 student manual, 17-21 through 17-27; 17-30 through 17-31.

Mosiah 14–15. Abinadi quoted and commented on Isaiah 53.

2 Nephi 9:20–23. What did the Holy One of Israel do to make salvation possible for mankind? (see also D&C 18:11).

Luke 22:44. To what extent did our Savior suffer? (see also Mosiah 3:7).

1 Peter 1:19. Who is the Lamb of God? (see also John 1:29).

D&C 19:16–18. What happens if an individual refuses to repent and thereby accept the suffering of Christ as an atonement for his sins?

DS, 2:332. Repentance removes the scars of sin.

AF, pp. 467–70. How is Christ the “father” of salvation?

Some Suggestions for Presentation

You are not expected to teach everything in the scripture content outline. Select those concepts that you feel will be the most helpful to your students.

The Scattering and the Gathering of Israel (Section A)

The scattering and the gathering of Israel is a very important theme in the Old Testament (see lessons 4647). It is vital that the students understand the principle of gathering as it applies to the work of the Church today. You may want to use passages from Jeremiah and Isaiah in teaching of the scattering and the gathering of Israel.

The history of the Old Testament shows the beginning of the fulfillment of prophecy about the scattering of Israel. Enrichments D, G, H, and J in the Religion 302 student manual discuss parts of the scattering.

The work of gathering is associated with the restoration of all things in the last days. President Spencer W. Kimball said: “The gathering of Israel is now in progress. Hundreds of thousands of people have been baptized into the Church. Millions more will join the Church. And this is the way we will gather Israel. It is to be done by missionary work.” (“President Kimball Speaks Out on Being a Missionary,” New Era, May 1981, p. 46.)

The following quotation from Elder Bruce R. McConkie provides an overview of the phases of this gathering process:

“The gathering of Israel and the establishment of Zion in the latter days is divided into three periods or phases. The first phase is past; we are now living in the second phase; and the third lies ahead. Prophecies speak of them all …

“The three phases of this great latter-day work are as follows:

“Phase I—From the First Vision, the setting up of the kingdom on April 6, 1830, and the coming of Moses on April 3, 1836, to the secure establishment of the Church in the United States and Canada, a period of about 125 years.

“Phase II—From the creation of stakes of Zion in overseas areas, beginning in the 1950s, to the second coming of the Son of Man, a period of unknown duration.

“Phase III—From our Lord’s second coming until the kingdom is perfected and the knowledge of God covers the earth as the waters cover the sea, and from then until the end of the Millennium, a period of 1,000 years.” (Ensign, May 1977, p. 115.)

Discuss Elder McConkie’s assessment in light of current missionary work in the Church.

Review with your students the teachings of Isaiah on the scattering and the gathering of Israel. Other scriptures from the Old Testament also provide a good summary of prophetic declarations on these topics. Select a few scriptures from the lists below to supplement Isaiah’s teachings.

Scattering of Israel

Gathering of Israel

Leviticus 26:33

Deuteronomy 4:27

Jeremiah 29:16–19

Amos 9:9

Luke 21:24

Deuteronomy 30:1–3

Jeremiah 31:10

Zechariah 10:8

Ephesians 1:10

Nephi summarized the scattering and the gathering processes (see 1 Nephi 10:12–14).

Indicate that the gathering of Israel, presently going forward, is one of the great testimonies that God fulfills his promises (see Religion 302 student manual, 17-17.)

The Mission of the Mortal Messiah (Section C)

Quote the following from Nephi: “That I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah” (1 Nephi 19:23). Indicate that Isaiah, having seen the Lord (see 2 Nephi 11:2), is an excellent source of prophetic testimony about the Savior’s mission. Have the students read part of Abinadi’s introductory statements about the mortal Messiah (see Mosiah 13:33–35; 14:1) and Isaiah’s statement about the Savior’s being the lamb of God (see Isaiah 53:7; Genesis 22:8). Then discuss the scriptures that testify of the fulfillment of that prophecy: John 1:29; Mark 14:53–15:38.

Transparency 26 lists several of Isaiah’s prophecies of the mission of the Messiah and the scriptures that testify of the fulfillment of each prophecy. Discuss with the class each of the statements and their fulfillments.
