Lesson 43: Isaiah 55–66

“Lesson 43: Isaiah 55–66,” Old Testament Instructor’s Guide, Religion 301–2 (1994), 85–86

“Isaiah 55–66,” Old Testament Instructor’s Guide, 85–86


Isaiah 55–66

Scripture Content Outline

Supplementary Study Sources

  1. Isaiah 56:9–12; 57:1–13; 58; 59:1–15; 65:1–16. Isaiah Spoke Out against Israel’s Apostasy and Evil Practices

    1. Watchmen in Israel were condemned for caring only for themselves (see Isaiah 56:9–12).

    2. The wicked who followed the abominations of their heathen neighbors were rebuked and their sins were recounted (see Isaiah 57:1–13).

    3. Isaiah condemned insincere worship and set forth laws about fasting and Sabbath observance, with their attendant blessings (see Isaiah 58).

    4. Iniquity separated Israel from God; their sins testified against them and would bring curses upon them (see Isaiah 59:1–15; 65:1–16).

Religion 302 student manual, 18-1; 18-6 through 18-13; 18-26.

Jeremiah 35:15. What had the Lord always done to help the house of Israel?

Deuteronomy 28. What did Moses prophesy about Israel’s wickedness?

DS, 1:165; 3:40. Why did the Lord scatter Israel among the nations?

  1. Isaiah 55; 56:1–8; 57:1–2, 13–21; 59:16–21; 60. Isaiah Prophesied That in the Last Days Israel Would Become a New Nation

    1. Israel was invited to come unto the Lord and live (see Isaiah 55:1–7).

    2. The Lord affirmed that his word would be fulfilled and Israel would one day prosper (Isaiah 55:8–13).

    3. Israelites and Gentiles alike were promised the opportunity to be gathered as the Lord’s people and receive exaltation (see Isaiah 56:1–8).

    4. A promise of peace was given to the righteous (see Isaiah 57:1–2, 13–21).

    5. The Savior would redeem Israel, they would receive his glory, and righteous Gentiles would gather among them (see Isaiah 59:16–60:11).

    6. Those who afflicted Israel would bow to Israel, and because Israel would be righteous, Israel would inherit their land forever with the Lord as their everlasting light (see Isaiah 60:12–22).

Religion 302 student manual, 18-2 through 18-5; 18-14 through 18-17.

Zechariah 2:10–12. What blessings and promises are extended to the house of Israel?

Deuteronomy 30:1–5. What promise was extended to Israel anciently by the prophet Moses?

Ezekiel 37:21–28. What did Ezekiel prophesy would one day take place in Israel?

DS, 1:172–73. When is the restoration of Israel to take place? (see also TPJS, pp. 14–15).

DS, 3:258–62. An explanation of the times of the Gentiles is given.

  1. Isaiah 61–64; 66:1–17. Isaiah Foretold That a Mighty Latter-day Work Would Be Accomplished and the Lord Would Return in Glory

    1. In the last days the Messiah would glorify and prosper his people and they would be recognized as his own (see Isaiah 61).

    2. Jerusalem and Zion shall shine forth as a royal diadem in the world; God will delight in them, and they will be a holy people, redeemed of the Lord (see Isaiah 62).

    3. The second coming of the Savior would be a day of judgment against the ungodly (see Isaiah 63:1–6).

    4. A rehearsal of the Lord’s goodness to Israel and their disobedience is given (see Isaiah 63:7–14).

    5. Isaiah prayed for the Lord’s coming and asked that he remember Israel in mercy when he returned in glory (see Isaiah 63:15–64:12; JST, Isaiah 63:17).

    6. Israel would be redeemed and the wicked destroyed at the Lord’s second coming (see Isaiah 66:1–17).

Religion 302 student manual, 18-18 through 18-25; 18-28 through 18-29; 18-31.

D&C 133:40–53. What description is given of the second coming of the Savior?

1 Thessalonians 5:1–6. Why should the Saints not be unprepared, as the world will be, when the Lord returns?

2 Thessalonians 2:8. How will the wicked perish at the Second Coming? (see also D&C 5:19).

2 Peter 3:10–14. What warning is given to all?

TPJS, pp. 47–49. What did the Prophet Joseph Smith say the world would be like before the second coming of the Savior?

TPJS, pp. 63–65. What is the purpose of the Second Coming?

AF, pp. 371–74. Annotated references concerning the second coming of the Savior are listed.

  1. Isaiah 65:17–25; 66:18–24. The Millennium Will Be Righteous Israel’s Day with the Lord

    1. A description is given of the millennial conditions under which righteous Israel will live (see Isaiah 65:17–25).

    2. After the second coming of the Savior, the gospel will be received by many who had not yet had an opportunity to hear it (see Isaiah 66:18–24).

Religion 302 student manual, 18-27; 18-30.

Zechariah 14:16–19. During the Millennium, how will the Lord turn people’s attention toward the truth?

D&C 45:55–59. What will it be like to raise children during the Millennium?

D&C 101:25–34. What are some of the conditions of the Millennium? During the Millennium, what truths will the Savior teach righteous Israel? (see also 2 Nephi 21:9).

1 Nephi 22:26. Who will lose his power during the Millennium?

TPJS, pp. 268–69. What did the Prophet Joseph Smith teach about the Millennium?

DS, 3:66–72. An explanation is given of the two millennial world capitals.

DBY, pp. 402–4. What great work will be accomplished during the Millennium?

Some Suggestions for Presentation

You are not expected to teach everything in the scripture content outline. Select those concepts that you feel will be the most helpful to your students.

Preparing for the Second Coming of the Savior (Section C)

Isaiah saw the second coming of the Savior and indicated what members of the house of Israel must do to prepare for that great event:

  1. All who want salvation must come unto the Lord and hearken to his gospel (Isaiah 55:1–4).

  2. Those who keep the commandments and do justice to all will be blessed by God (Isaiah 56:1–2).

  3. Those who desire the Lord’s favor must avoid idolatry and the other sins for which ancient Israel was cut off (Isaiah 57:3–13).

  4. To help his people gain spiritual strength, the Lord counseled them to fast properly and keep the Sabbath day holy (Isaiah 58:6–14).

Help students understand that even though they live in a world of wickedness they need not be discouraged or disillusioned. Point out that Enoch and his people built the city of Zion in a day of great wickedness (see Moses 7). Melchizedek was called to preach the gospel to a wicked generation who repented and eventually joined the city of Enoch (see JST, Genesis 14). The Saints of this dispensation will also build the holy city in preparation for the coming of the Savior in a day of wickedness (see D&C 45:63–71). The building of Zion in the last days was prophesied in Isaiah 60. Review this chapter, using the Religion 302 student manual for helpful commentary.

Use the following quotation to help students see their potential and responsibility: “I am sure you [religious educators] appreciate the fact that you have been given custody of some of the choicest spirits of all time. I emphasize that. These are not just ordinary spirits, but among them are some of the choicest spirits that have come from heaven. These are they who were reserved to come forth in this time to bear off the kingdom triumphant.” (Ezra Taft Benson, “The Gospel Teacher and His Message” [address delivered to religious educators], 17 Sept. 1976, p. 1)

The Millennial Reign of the Savior (Section D)

Write the word millennium on the chalkboard and ask students what it means. Now read Isaiah 65:17–25.

Point out that the Millennium will be a period of a thousand years when the Savior will reign personally on the earth. During that time the righteous will be taught so that they will be prepared to return to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father. It is also the time when all righteous members of the Church from the days of Adam will associate with one another under the personal tutelage of the Son of God (see 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Articles of Faith 1:10; Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 268–69).

Using Isaiah 65:17–25 and 66:19–21, outline on the chalkboard and discuss with the students the things Isaiah saw about the millennial reign of Christ (see the Religion 302 student manual for helpful commentary).

Conclude this lesson by sharing your testimony with students that the great prophecies given by Isaiah will be fulfilled and that the students themselves may play a very significant part in that fulfillment.
