4 Takeaways from General Conference That Helped Me Realign Myself Spiritually
May 2023

4 Takeaways from General Conference That Helped Me Realign Myself Spiritually

It can be hard to focus during general conference, but I’m always able to take away something that helps me know how to move forward in life.

a young adult man watching general conference

As an active young single adult, it’s easy to get distracted from the gospel with school, work, dating, and everything else in between.

I love watching general conference because it helps me realign myself spiritually. I’ll be honest, though—it can be tough listening to over 10 hours of speakers within a two-day period. But every time I open my heart and mind and tune in to general conference, I’m always able to take away something that helps me know what step I should take next in my life.

Here are four takeaways I got from general conference that have helped me realign myself spiritually:

Don’t Forget Your Patriarchal Blessing!

When I first received my patriarchal blessing, I didn’t understand how important it was to review it prayerfully and regularly. I always felt it was for moments when I needed direction in life or felt that I was at a standstill.

The topic of receiving and studying a patriarchal blessing was mentioned multiple times throughout this conference, and I realized that although using my blessing in critical moments is important, I should also prioritize studying it regularly.

Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Seventy said, “I studied my patriarchal blessing frequently and, as a youth, often daily, which helped me feel the comforting, guiding influence of the Holy Ghost, who helped reduce my anxiety as I followed His promptings.” 1

Although I have received great blessings from my patriarchal blessing already, I began to wonder if I would receive more blessings if I studied it more frequently.

After watching this conference, I’m definitely going to review my patriarchal blessing more often so I can better understand the blessings it contains and have guidance as I navigate the ups and downs of this life.

Be Ready to Follow the Spirit

Another thing I took away from this general conference is to always follow the Spirit.

Elder Carl B. Cook of the Seventy said, “The God of heaven and earth will help us overcome discouragement and whatever obstacles we encounter if we look to Him, follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and just keep going—with faith.”2

With distractions such as music, social media, and friends, it’s easy to tune out the Spirit if you don’t watch yourself. In most cases, I think it’s easy to follow the Spirit—the hard part is preparing and changing your life in a way that allows you to hear the Spirit.

One thing I think we can all work on is not letting our media use keep us from feeling the Spirit. I learned a lot of things from my mission, but one of the things that stuck with me was always having a purpose or objective when using your phone, especially when consuming media.

Let Go of Gospel Perfectionism

One thing I hear a lot about from people my age is their struggle with perfectionism in the gospel.

Living life at a higher standard is often stressful, but we always need to remember that the Savior expects us to do all we can. If we are challenged to do something we are not good at, with faith and prayer, Jesus Christ will help us find a way to turn that weakness into a strength.

Elder Vern P. Stanfill of the Seventy taught: “The Savior stands ready to accept our humble offerings and perfect them through His grace. … We must have the courage to believe that His grace is for us—that He will help us, rescue us from the depths when we falter, and perfect our less-than-perfect efforts.”3

But what really matters is your heart. Whether you succeed or fail, the Savior will always know you did your best. He will perfect our humble offerings.

Nourish Your Testimony of Christ

During conference Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt of the Seventy shared a story of a lady who asked him, “You believe in … Christ?”4

I thought about all the times I had asked myself that question, prayed about it, and received an answer.

As someone who grew up in the Church, it’s easy to say I know the Church is true, I believe in Christ, and everything else.

But when I get to these spiritually high points, it becomes extremely easy to coast and ignore the need to reinforce my testimony every day.

But during conference I realized that even if you have a testimony, you should always look for ways to nourish that testimony.

Elder W. Mark Bassett of the Seventy, when quoting President Russell M. Nelson, urged, “‘As you make the continual strengthening of your testimony of Jesus Christ your highest priority, watch for miracles to happen in your life.’”5

Focus on What Matters Most

General conference is a great way to realign yourself spiritually. Yes, it can sometimes feel long, but I promise that if you pray and listen for direction, you’ll receive an answer on how to move forward in your life.

I’m grateful for the reminders to focus on the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to continually deepen my faith.
