The Temple: Always the Right Place at the Right Time
May 2023

The Temple: Always the Right Place at the Right Time

Being a temple worker reminded me of the importance of being in the Lord’s house.

picture of the author

Photograph courtesy of the author

I had been home from my mission for a year when temples in my area reopened to full operation. At that time, my YSA ward bishop announced that the temple needed more workers and that the stake was inviting anyone interested to serve. I had been pondering how I could prioritize temple attendance again. As President Russell M. Nelson promised, “Nothing will strengthen your spiritual foundation like temple service and temple worship.”1

As I pondered this, I felt inspired to become an ordinance worker. So I set up a meeting with my bishop. Within a couple weeks, I was set apart.

I loved being a temple worker. I treasured the opportunity to enjoy the Spirit in the Lord’s house each week while also being able to assist in His work.

But right before working my third shift, I was caught off guard when a temple coordinator asked if I’d be willing to have a new sister “shadow” me. This meant that I would act as a trainer—she would follow me to all my assignments to learn how to be an ordinance worker herself. I was not expecting such a responsibility so soon—I was still brand new!

However, I remembered other moments when the Lord had entrusted me with responsibilities, even when I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my abilities. So I accepted. Little did I know how divinely designed our partnership would be.

Seeing the Hand of the Lord

The new ordinance worker was sweet, humble, and ready to learn. I admitted to her that I didn’t feel very adequate to train her because I was still learning too. But she joyfully assured me that we would figure everything out together as newbies.

As Emily (name changed) and I served, I felt a great sense of love for her and a desire to be her friend, even though we had just met. The strength of the Spirit in the Lord’s house helped me see that she desperately needed fellowship, but I wasn’t sure why.

When Emily and I had moments to speak quietly, we got to know each other better, and she told me what had brought her to serve. She had just graduated from college and had been planning to return to live with her parents in another state. But she was puzzled when she felt a distinct prompting to move to Utah. She didn’t know anyone there, didn’t have a job lined up, and had only visited Utah once in the past. But after fasting and praying, she received the same strong impression.

Puzzled, but desiring to trust the Lord, she moved to Utah all by herself. This time of life wasn’t easy for Emily, but she continued to look to the Lord and felt prompted to become a temple worker.

When I heard Emily’s story, I felt that the Lord had put me in a position where I could be an instrument in His hands to show her His love. She was trying to follow His guidance even though it was hard, and I knew that the Lord desired to bless her.

Emily and I became great friends following our experience in the temple. And later on, we found out that she would be a fellow coworker to my roommate, who also became her friend.

What seemed to be an amazing coincidence was another instance of God’s hand that I knew was not a coincidence at all. Emily and I were definitely blessed as we both served in the temple. I was so grateful I had the opportunity to serve in the temple with her.

Make Time for the Temple

As I’ve made the temple a priority in my life, I’ve witnessed many miracles and mercies in the Lord’s house, like becoming friends with Emily and learning from her faith, seeing people I know come to the temple after years of inactivity, or even being able to help friends with their ordinance work. All these blessings have deepened my testimony of the love Heavenly Father has for each of His children and of the vital importance of the temple in our lives.

President Nelson promised that “increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can.”2 And I know this is true. I have experienced an increased measure of peace, joy, and satisfaction in my life since making more time for the temple. I look forward to serving in the temple each week as a respite from my trials and challenges. My appreciation for the beautiful covenants and ordinances performed in the Lord’s house increases every time I participate in them.

No matter how confusing or difficult life can be, being a temple worker has taught me an important truth: whenever you are in the temple, you can be assured that you are always in the right place at the right time. Heavenly Father truly blesses us immensely when we make time to be in His house. And although some blessings might not come instantly, the blessings of feeling peace and comfort and rest from the world are always available as we enter the Lord’s house.
