복음은 사랑에 대해 무엇을 알려 줍니까?
2023년 2월호

사도들의 답변

복음은 사랑에 대해 무엇을 알려 줍니까

“가장 큰 재물”, 『리아호나』, 2021년 11월호, 8~10쪽에서 가져옴.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

하나님은 마음을 다해 우리를 사랑하십니다.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

하나님은 우리가 온 마음을 다해 당신을 사랑하기를 바라십니다.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

우리는 예수 그리스도를 따름으로써 하나님에 대한 우리의 사랑을 보여 줍니다.

Check out the pdf and read the story. 1. Heart with rainbow and clouds. 2. Young boy (6 yrs old) praying with parents (African family). 3. Young girl (8 yrs old) being baptized (Asian). 4. Three children, who are under 10, happy and are friends.

그분은 우리가 다른 사람들에게 친절을 베푸는 방법을 찾도록 도와주십니다.

삽화: 캐서린 블랙모어
