Jesus Christjigo dah dinoį́į́h
Tą́ą́chil 2019 Ał’ąądę́ę́’ Gáamalii Áłah Silį́į́’

Jesus Christjigo Diní’į́į́’

Nihí ká’adoolwoł bee bił ałha’deet’anjí dóó hihi naanish Eldir in Israel nihíká’analwo’go nitsaago ádiiłneeł.

Capernaumdi Jesus kintahdi yigal1 t’óo ahaóí diné yitah yigał, adzaani léi’ dił bighá nídiniiltałgo naakits’áadah nááhai, bi’éé’ t’éiya bidinishchid doo. t’áá hódiina’í hadaałt’é nijishdlį́į́’.2

Diyin bizaad biyídoo éí, Jesus ani, “Shé’adziilii shits’áhonílego baa ákoniizį́į́’.”3 “dine’ yitahdí názyizgo”4 dóó “deeį́į́’ … dóó asdzání yiyeełtsą́ hodeelchidígíí.”5 “A’ko asdzani t’áá doo ndeest’į́į́’ dago”6 Diyin Jesus Christ yidddę́ę́’ ntid diisgo’go adaah hoolné.7

Áádóó asdzání Jesus yich’į́ haadzii’, “Shitsi’, ne’oodlą’ bee doo ánít’éhí da násínídlį́į́’, nił hózhǫ́ǫgo náádááł.”8

Jesus Christ asdzání hasdá’yiiloos. Asdzání bits’iis naadziih, ndi Jesus áhałní, ne’oodlą’ bee doo ánít’éhí da násíndlį́į́, dóó bijéí aldó naadziih.9 Áyóó’óó’nii yeeh yich’í haadziih, dóó yik’idjidlíí’ dóó nihózhǫ́ǫ naninąa doołeeł.10

Shik’isoo, diyin bibee’óhólníihii nighaa naaslá, akó hasdá’iinííliijí nihinaanish nighá’alyaah. Naaháí doo woshdę́ę́’ óholnįįh éí tsékee nidá’nitinígíí binaanish bá alyaah.11 Diyin naanish nigha áyiilaa’ nihi lákee bił neinishgo Israel áłah analneehígíí bee neelnish doo, t’áá kojí dóó diné bidadiníbaalígíí bá neilnish doo dóó nighaandi oodlą́ dóó diyin bina’nitin hólǫ́ akó Jesus Christ nádaa’igíí biniyé hasht’é diineeh doo.12

T’áá ałtsohjí Hasda’iiníílii nihi naal ayiilaa: Jesus Christ jigo dinįįt’į́į́h dóó báneelnish doo háálá biZhé’é aldó yánaanish dóó aajigo deesį́į́’.13 Hasda’iinííilii kot’áó Diyin Yayaltí’ii Joseph yich’į́ haadziih:

“Ts’ídí t́áá ałtsohjigo shich’į́ dini’į́į́; t’áá doo nanidzidí.

“Háálá shik’iizhji atíyaah, dóó shilá dóó shikee yił adá’askaal; iinidlą́, shi beehas’ąąnii bik’ehgo yinaał, akó hoolaagoo iinádí bikídiiinaał.”14

Yá’ąąshdi iiná bee hoot’aałii bee nihił hóone’go Jesus shiZhé’é iinizinígíí ádiishłeeł dóó Hasdá’iiníilii deeshleł. Áko nihiZhé’é God éí ádííniid, “Ha’ishą́ deesh’aał?”15 Jesus yee háádzii’:

Diyin Jesus Christ éí kódííniid, “Shi ákǫ́ǫ́h ashídiiłał.”16

“ShiZhé’é íinízinígíi éí be’doolnííł dóó hool’áágóó éí ne’ajooba’ hólǫ́ǫ doo.”17

Nahasdzáán yikáá kééhat’į́įgo Jesus ádííniid yąą yik’ehgo tádiiyá. Ájooba’, adaahojoolbá’i, dóó áyóó’óó’ní biZhé’é binánitin dóó binaanish yá ayiilaa adziil dóó óholnį́į́ BiZhé’é bee yinílá’ígíí yee naalnish nt’ę́ę́’.18

Jesus bijéí biZhé’é yee niąh. Áko and:

“ShiZhé’é ayóó’íínishní.”19

“Háálá bił hóshónígíí t’éí t’áá áłahjį’ baa naashá.”20

“Yá’ąąsdę́ę́’ éí adááyá ashííła’ígíí ba’, doo shí íínisinígíí biniyé da.”21

Jesus Christ ti’wiinihgo sodoolzingo ádiiniid, “Shí íinisinígíí éí dooda, ndi ni íinizinígíí ádoonííł.”22

Diyin God Eldirs in Israel shich́į́jígo dah dinooį́į́ dóó átíshidiil yaahígíí dah nołį́ bitsiis naadiiyá, ánihił ní éí baahąąhági át’éii bits’ąąjí ádaaneeh dóó áyóó’áda’nóní dóó bik’eh dah hónołį́. Shi na’nitin bee nida’notin dóó shígi’át’áó na’nishtin doo. Shidáshį́į́’nódlą́ íinósinígíi dóó nihijéí baa dah nó’aah áko bibé’adziil binají náhónótlin doo.23

Shik’isoo, Jesus Christjígo diníít’į́į́go nihik’idhojidlíigo Elders in Israel jooba’ hwiindzin, áyóó’óó’ní bił.24 Áko diyin binahagha’ bina’nitin t́áá ałahjí bee ná’niitin doo hihi k’is dóó nihilah áko bik’idhojidlí doo.

Naat’aanii President Russell M. Nelson ałdó Jesus Christjígo dadínǫįį’ nihił ní: Nihi naanishígíí éí Hasda’iiníilii binahagha’ bina’nitin bee nániitin doo. Áyóó nanitł’a nihintsékee diyinjígo diníít’į́į́’ łeh. Nidi ákwiit́íígo bineeldzidígíí nájí adaané.”25

Diyin God bina’nitin jótą’go éí áyóó át’é. Yéígo bąąh jótągo ahyiłní.26 Jó Jesus Christ binahagha bina’nitin yéígo jótągo éí bił ałha’dit’ą́ bik’ehgo hijiiná.

Bił aha’da’dest’a’anii bik’ehjígo yiidaałgo éí t’ád ałtsoh iilį́’ígíí dóó diiní’igíí bideetį doo. Bił alha’dit’ą́ bik’ehgo hiniiná27 t́áá akwíijí nihee’oodlą́ dóó Jesus Christ baanisííkees: nihi sodizin nihijéí dę́ę́’ bizhí binají, bizaad yiniiłtágo nihi bąąhági’ át’eíi nihee’iiná łago át’éii aneelneego, bibeehazáanii bik’eh hóniilį́į́’go, baah dóó tó chooyiilį́į́’go dóó damóógo hódiniilzingo, bighan nitsaaidi yah áneedaahgo dóó diyin bibee’óhólníihii ba’ałchíní bee baa’áwiilyá.

Díí Diyin bił bee ałhádit’áanii binají nihijéí dóó nihintsékees ąą’ayiiłįįh áko diyin Hasda’iiníilii bitsąądę́ę́’ bidziil dóó Ayi’sizíinii nanhiinąą’ doo. T́áá hazhó’ó Hasda’iiníilii naasgo nihee’oodlą́ bidziil dóó yéígo yiniidlą́ dóó bił bee ałha’diitą́ házhǫ́’ó nihijéí biyidí baah ákódiniidziił.28

Ákot’ao éí t’áá iiyisii NihiTaa’ Yáąąshii Hólóonii niłtdzilgo bee ałhádeet’ą́, éí tsídá alaadi niidzin. NihiTaa’ Yá’ąąshii Hólóonii éí nihł hózhǫ́ dóó áheeniidzin nihai doołeeł.29 Bił ałhádeet’anígíí bee nihił hózhǫ́ǫ doo éí binají Jesus Christ yéígo yiníítą́’ doo binají yiidaał doo.30

Díí kot’ao oodlą́’nígíí éí t́áá ałtsoh bich’į́ ąą’át’é, ałchíní Yazhí dóó naasdaalį́į́’’ígíí ałdó. Áádę́ę́ tsékee dying bíbee’óhólníihii nighaa naasláhígíí t́áá ałtsoh bee yaatí’ígíí éí nídeetí. Diyin God bich’į́ áheenisin áádę́ę́’ nǫǫyáhígíí. T́áá damǫ́ǫ́ bikeh Diyin bibee’o’ool’įį’ dóó bił ałhałdeet’ą́ miil Gaamaalii bee biká’anałwo’. Bááh dóó tó hast’é alį́ dóó bik’id sodilzin: Dine/ diyin k’ehjí biká’ananwo’: diné to’ bee alzįįh diyin God bighaandi; nik’is diyin bighandi bił nanit’aash;doo diyin bighandi nádaahii baa nandaah, áko Diyin God nahalingo hasdáiildééh ninaanish. T’áá akwiijí biłalhádeet’ą́ígíí binalnishgo Jesus Christ Díí ákont’į́į́’go Diyin God bi naalá’í nilíí doo, dóó naasgoo yołkaalgo Israel bi Eldir ayóó’ át’éíi nilį́į́’ doo.

Shik’isoo díí táá ałtsoh doo yá’át’ééhda nósin. Ndi bénałniih Hasda’iiníilii bizaad: “Doo t’áá sahí naashaada. shiZhé’é shił hólǫ́.”31 Nihí dó’ doo t́áá saí neidaada. Doo t́áá saí yiidaał da. Jesus Christ dóó biZhé’é áyóó’an’hiní dóó nihił hólǫ́.32 Jesus biZhé’é yich’į́ deezį́į́’go nigha ninidlą́, áko nihi ałdó Jesus Christ bich’į́ dinį́iį́łtį́į́’go nihil ká’ádoolwoł.

T́áá aniiltsoh nida’íyiilziih. Ładá tsétłą́ yiidaah. Ładá doo biiniighada niidzin łeh. Ładá jididoogoh. Ndi Jesus Christjigo diit’į́į́’go nihijeíi łago áneenęęhgo, nihiká’ádoolwoł, dóó bąąhági át’éí nighąą yidoogis, nighąą needidooaał, dóó nihijéí ndoodzih. Bí éí ajooba’ dóó nízaadgóó ha’ólní; Bee ájooba’ doo ninití da dóó doo ntsees da.33 Nihí ká’adoolwoł bee bił ałha’deet’anjí dóó hihi naanish Eldir in Israel nihíká’analwo’go nitsaago ádiiłneeł.

Áko NihiTáádi NihiZhé’é éí nihik’iijódlíi doo, áko bi naanish: “T’áá doole’é …yá’aashdi dó́ó nahasdzáán bikáagi bá ádadiilníil, iiná dóó bit’áádóó adińdíín,Iisizizíinii dóó bee advil, éí NihiTáá’ NihiZhé’é yinizinígíí éí bire’ Jesus Christ yinahjí bá’adoonííł.”34

Diyin bee ádinídiin dóó be’ádziil nihee’iiná bił nitígo, táágo áhoot’įįh:

Ałtsé éí nihinąą’ bee iitį́. Diyin God t’áá aníinii yee hoł halne’ ákot’áó Jesus asdzaani yiiiiłtsą’: bijéí yiyé’ yiyiił tsą.35 Jesus óó’į́ gí’ít’áó nihi ałdó diné áyóó’íí’níí’ní doo Jesus nahalingo diné áyóó’íí’nii’ní doo. Biká’áneelwo’ígíí Hasda’iiníilii dah yooį́’ dóó bee áyóó’óó’ní náwiiłnąą’ doo.36

Naakiigoné éí, eiyin Diyin bee’adziilii nihąą’ silá. Óholnį́į́hii nighaa silá, Diyin Jesus Christ bizhí binahjí diné “bik’idjídlí, yiidloos, baałáwiiłyah, bidziil, dóó diné nidoodził dóó aálílee baaniilyah, t’áá háíshį́į́h áyóó’íí’níí’ní’ígíí dóó bił háíjeehígíí dóó bił nihighaanígií dóó baa’áhwiilyanígíí.”37

T’áá goné, Jesus Christ nihił yigaał. T́áá haagooshį́į́h needa’higoo, nihił hólǫ́. Nániitingo, Bí ałdó nanitin. Nihí diné nił ídlį́go Bi ałdó diné yiłádlį́. Diné bá sodiilzingo, Bí ałdó diné yá sodilzin.38

Shik’isoo, da’ diish biniinah nihił dahózhǫ́ doo? Oo’ Diyin God bibee’adziil nighaa naaslah. Jesus Christ bich’í diit’į́į́’go, bił bee ałha’deet’ą́ k’eh yiidaałgo dóó Bi t́éíyá baa nisiikeesgo, nihilákee bił Israel dine’é áłah ananeeh t́áá łahjí dóó biłheejeehígíí diyin bighaandi áhídiiljeeh, dóó Jesus Christ nádaahjí biniyé hasht’é’ ádadeelneeh. Ádóóniił. Shił bee hózin.

Ałch’í ánashłeehgo nigha sodizin, éí t́áá ániiltsoh Diyin Jesus Christ bich’í dah dinii’t’į́į́’ dóó baa nisiikees doo. Iinídlą́ t’áadoo nił yé’í. Jesus Christ bízhi’ bináhjį’, áamen.

Notes wolyé

  1. James E. Talmage places Jesus in “the vicinity of Capernaum” when this healing occurred (see Jesus the Christ [1916], 313).

  2. See Luke 8:43–44; see also Matthew 9:20–21; Mark 5:25–29.

  3. Luke 8:46.

  4. Mark 5:30.

  5. Mark 5:32.

  6. Luke 8:47.

  7. Mark 5:33.

  8. Luke 8:48.

  9. James E. Talmage wrote that of greater worth to the woman than the physical healing was the assurance that the Savior had granted the desire of her heart and that her faith was accepted of Him (see Jesus the Christ, 318). Jesus healed her physically and spiritually and opened to her the way to salvation.

  10. It is instructive that Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, was with Jesus when this healing occurred. Jesus was on the way to the house of Jairus, where He would raise Jairus’s daughter from the dead. The woman that Jesus healed had likely been cast out of the synagogue because of her affliction. When Jesus healed her, He also made clear to all who were there, including Jairus, that she was a beloved daughter, a woman of faith, and whole in body and spirit.

  11. See D. Todd Christofferson, “The Elders Quorum” (Liahona, May 2018, 55–58) for a discussion of the adjustments to create one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in a ward. The purpose of that change was described this way in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Ministering website: “Having one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in a ward unifies priesthood holders to accomplish all aspects of the work of salvation, including temple and family history work previously coordinated by the high priests group leader” (“This Is Ministering: Frequently Asked Questions,” question 8, ministering.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

    Subsequent adjustments have placed the ward mission leader and the new temple and family history leader in the ward under the direction of the presidency of the elders quorum. With ministering to families already under the presidency’s direction, these adjustments have placed leadership of the work of salvation in the elders quorums, assisted by Relief Societies. Of course, the bishop holds the keys to the work of salvation in the ward, but he delegates responsibility and authority for that work to the elders quorum president so that the bishop can spend more time ministering to his own family, strengthening the youth, and serving as a judge in Israel.

  12. See Russell M. Nelson, “Let Us All Press On,” Liahona, May 2018, 118–19; Russell M. Nelson, “Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints,” Liahona, Nov. 2018, 113–14; Quentin L. Cook, “Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,” Liahona, Nov. 2018, 8–12.

  13. The Father sent Jesus Christ into the world (see John 17:18).

  14. Na’nitin dóó Ałha’diist’ą́ 6:36–37.

  15. Abraham 3:27.

  16. Abraham 3:27.

  17. Moses 4:2.

  18. There are numerous references in the scriptures that record statements Jesus made about doing His Father’s work and teaching His Father’s doctrine. See, for example, John 5:19 (Jesus does what He sees the Father do); John 5:36 (the Father gave His Son work to do); John 8:26 (Jesus taught what He had received from His Father); John 14:28 (Jesus declared, “My Father is greater than I”); 3 Nephi 11:32 (His doctrine is the doctrine His Father gave Him).

  19. John 14:31.

  20. John 8:29.

  21. John 6:38; see also John 5:30.

  22. Luke 22:42.

  23. The word look in this passage (see Doctrine and Covenants 6:36–37) has meanings that correspond to the call of the Lord: to face (or turn to); to direct one’s attention to; to rely upon; to search for; to await with hope; to have in mind as an end; to expect or anticipate (see merriam-webster.com, “look”).

  24. See Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42. The Christlike attributes mentioned in the scripture are gifts of the Spirit that come through the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. They are what make the elders in Israel His elders.

  25. Russell M. Nelson, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” Liahona, May 2017, 41.

  26. See merriam-webster.com, “rivet.”

  27. For a discussion of the concept of a covenant life, see Donald L. Hallstrom, “Living a Covenant Life,” Ensign, June 2013, 46–49. This article was adapted from a longer talk given at Brigham Young University–Idaho in May 2011. For the longer version, see Donald L. Hallstrom, “A Covenant Life” (Brigham Young University–Idaho devotional, May 10, 2011), byui.edu.

  28. See Jeremiah 31:31–33, where the Lord declares that He will make a new covenant with the house of Israel written in their hearts. This image of covenants written in our hearts, or covenants that come alive in our hearts, is also found in the writings of Paul (see 2 Corinthians 3:3; Hebrews 8:10). For a discussion of conversion and the heart, see David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Liahona, Nov. 2012, 106–9.

  29. The sacramental prayer on the bread expresses beautifully the nature of our covenant relationship with our Heavenly Father. In the Father’s plan of salvation we make covenants with our Heavenly Father, but the purposes of the covenants are realized and we qualify for the blessings promised through the Lord Jesus Christ; He is the Mediator. In the sacramental ordinance we witness to the Father (in effect, making a covenant with Him anew) that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments, that we might always have His Spirit (the Holy Ghost) to be with us.

    The gifts in the Father’s promises come through the redeeming and strengthening power of Jesus Christ. For example, as President Russell M. Nelson has taught, Jesus Christ “is the source of all joy” (see “Joy and Spiritual Survival,” Liahona, Nov. 2016, 82). Thus, riveting our focus on Jesus Christ brings joy into our lives no matter our circumstances.

  30. President Ezra Taft Benson captured the impact of this change in attitude and orientation when he said, “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power” (in Donald L. Staheli, “Obedience—Life’s Great Challenge,” Ensign, May 1998, 82).

  31. John 16:32.

  32. For additional discussion of the fact of the Father’s and the Son’s concern for, interest in, love for, and involvement in our lives, see Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Grandeur of God,” Liahona, Nov. 2003, 70–73; Henry B. Eyring, “Walk with Me,” Liahona, May 2017, 82–85. See also Matthew 18:20; 28:20; Doctrine and Covenants 6:32; 29:5; 38:7; 61:36; 84:88.

  33. See Romans 8:35–391 Corinthians 13:1–8Moroni 7:46–47

  34. Doctrine and Covenants 50:27. Note that the Lord gives to each who is ordained and sent forth this promise that pertains to, and is circumscribed by, the specific assignment given him:

    “The same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.

    Wherefore, he is possessor of all things; for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on the earth, the life and the light, the Spirit and the power, sent forth by the will of the Father through Jesus Christ, His Son.

    But no man is possessor of all things except he be purified and cleansed from all sin.

    “And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done” (Doctrine and Covenants 50:26–29).

  35. See 1 Samuel 16:71 Corinthians 2:14 For an example of this blessing of seeing as Jesus does, see President Henry B. Eyring’s account of his experience as the bishop of a young man who had committed a crime. The Lord said to then-Bishop Eyring, “I’m going to let you see him as I see him” (“Walk with Me,” 84).

  36. This is the promise and the charge the Savior gave the people at the temple at Bountiful. He commanded them to so live that His light and His example would be in them, so that they could hold Him up as the light to the world in their lives and in their invitations to others to come unto Him. As His followers so lived and so invited, others would feel Him and see Him in the Lord’s servants. (See 3 Nephi 18:24–25.)

  37. See Russell M. Nelson, “The Price of Priesthood Power,” Liahona, May 2016, 68.

  38. See Doctrine and Covenants 84:88.
