Diyin Ba’ałchíní Áyóó’á’yó’ní
Tą́ą́chil 2019 Ał’ąądę́ę́’ Gáamalii Áłah Silį́į́’

Diyin Ba’ałchíní Áyóó’á’yó’ní

Ayóó’óó’ní éí bik’ehgo nideelnish diyin k’ehjí éí Naat’ą́ą́nii Diyin Yá Yáłtí’i President Nelson naanish nigha’ayiilaah.

Háshinęęh shiik’s dóó shilakee, díí t́áá ayisii nizhǫ́nígo nihił hoolziish Jesus Christ nínáádoodáá bich’į́ hoolziishgo, éí bąąh nihik’idhojisdlį́ díí akéedi baa honíką́ądi keedahwiitį́. 1829 yadą́ą́ t’ahdoo nihi sodizin át’ę́ęgi’ át’éego haadilnééh yéídą́ą́ Diyin God t’áá aníinii yee hoł halne’ éí naanish áyoo at’eéii baa ntsákeesii bee nihił hooné. Díí Diyin God t’áá aníinii yee hoł halne’ éí t’áá háíshį́į́h diyin ba’ nideshnish nízinígíí éí bee oodlą́, bee sahasin, bee ayóó’ó’ó’ní bee hólǫ́ígíí éí Diyin Godji’go dees’į́į́h.1 “Diyin be’ayóó’ó’ó’níinii,” éí Christ ayóó’óó’ní át’é,2 Diyin God hoolaagoo t́aá ałtsoh ba’ałchíní ayóó’á’yó’ní.3

Biniyé nihi ch’į́ haasdziih éí Diyin be’ayóó’ó’ó’ní bee nijilnishgo nizhǫ́nígo át’éi, diné bił na’anishjí, diyin God bighandi, dóó t́áá hoghan hazą́ągi aza’zí naalkaahjí jó éí t’ád hooghandí baa neelnish doo. Diyin God dóó diné ałdó ayóó’á’jó’ní4 éí hwiihólǫǫ éí binahjí diyin bánanishtin dóó diyin k’ehjí biniyé5 Diyin yáyałtį́’ii Russell M. Nelson 2018 yaadą́ą́’ nihinaanish nihgha’ayiilaah.

Na’nitin binaanish éí Diyin bidiné’é tąąskai’ígíí ałah andoolnííł.

T’áá ánii nąąshaago diyin ba’ná’nish dóó ayóó’ó’óó’ní éí áhił naanish lá. Ła’ts’áadah shinaaghaigo shichei sáhsodoolzin iidą́ą́’ shichei sodizin íílíní nilį́.6 Sodizin shá’alyaahígíí éí kó shí doonííd, “Diné ayóó’íí’nį́, dóó diyin ba’ na’nitin doo, binahagha bee na’nitin nahasdzáán bikąądí.”7

T’áá ants’íísígo shił bee hódzin diyin binahagha’ bina’nitin éí baa hagojilné háálá Diyin ba’ałchíní ayóó’á’jó’ní łeh.

Diyin Yá Yádaałti’í nishłį́į́’go naanish shá’alyaah Naaltsoos Preach My Gospel Wolyéíi hashdlá naahai yaahdą́ą́’, iidą́ą́’ ayóó’óó’ní éíayóó bóhołnį́į́h éí hihi tsełkee yee nidahnitin doo, Tsełkee nidanitingo Chapter 6 woltá éí ayóó bił danizhǫ́ní háálá ayóó’óó’ní baa yátį́.

Hasdá’íiníiłii yá nida’nitingo tsełkee nida’nitingo ayóó’óó’ní nidábiinąą’ dóó bik’idą́ą́’ nidanishtinígíí binají bik’idahojishdlííh. Díígí’atao ayóó’óó’ní baa’akó dasnííhzį́į́hgo Diyin God binaash bá ałtsoh ádoolnį́į́ł.

R. Wayne Shute

Díí kótao ana’anishígíí t́áá shí t́áá ałt’síisigo atah baa níshishnish. Iidą́ą́ Pacific Island Area Binaat’ąąnii nishli’i’go Naat’ąąnii R. Wayne Shute shich’į́ beesh yee hoolné. Ániinaagha’ haadą́ą́’ Samoadi tsełkee nilííhgo nanitinínii nilíít’ę́ę́. Bikeedę́ę́’ Samoan Missionjí Naat’ąąnii silį́i’.8 K’ad éíyá Apia Samoan President Naat’ąąnii nilį́į́go beesh yee shich’į́ hoolné. Mission Naat’ąąniijí lį́haadą́ą́’ Tsełkee na’nitiní Eldir Vincent Haleck, éí k’ad Area President Pacificjí biniyé beesh bee hojoolné. Naat’ąąnii President Shute éí Elder Vince yiłhaajeehígíí ayóó’á’yó’ní. Ałchíní t’áá ałtsoh sodizinjí danilį́, ndi azhé’é Otto Haleck éí doo atahjílį́į́h dah. Naat’ąąnii President Shute éí bił beehozin Stake Conference áłahaleeh goodya America Somoadi, áko Otto Haleck bighaandi niidoolkaał áko diyin bina’nitinígíí bee bił hodiiní.

Elder O. Vincent Haleck, anii Diyin God yánánitinii

Nizhǫ́nígo Otto dóó be’esdzaan Dorothy bighaandi Shi dóó Mary aai nihiiskąh. Abinigo dah iidaąągo dying binahagha’ bina’nitinígíí bee bił hooshné, áádóó da’t’ashago tséłkee nidanitinígíi naadooaash bidiiniid. Nt’ę́ę́’ bá’akówiinit’į́į̨́’go doodo diinííd. Baa aheenisin shá’ałchíiní Gamaalii dah nilį́. T’áá ałkidą́ą́’ shimá bizazí éí Diyin Yánda’nitiní dahnilį́ nt’ę́ę́, áko t’áá shimá be’oodlą́jí nisin.9 Nidi, t́áá ałk’is dah niidlį́į́’go dah nidiit’aash.

Noa hodoona’go Nat’ąąnii President Gordon B. Hinckley ákǫǫ Suva Temple ádoodlish biniyé joogal, bi naatsoosiłiní Don H. Stahell, shich’į́ hoolné New Zealandi dah nijahígíí bineyé.10 Naat’ąąnii President Hinckley Fijidoo American Samoagoo shił adootá, áko shi diné’é baah diishał nizin. Dah nijahígíí chó’nidahjoołį́’ígíí daatsí dooleeł hódooniid. Naałádi shą́ diiniid. Shiik’is Brother Stahell aní, “Jó ní éí Area President nilį́; éíshį́į́h ałdó yá’át’ééh doo jidiiniid.”

T’áá’áko Naat’ąąnii President Shute beesh bee bich’į́ hooshné, k’ad daatsí nihik’is Otto Haleck binaadínootą diyin k’ehjí. K’ad éíyá Naat’ąąnii President Gordon B. Hinckley éí tséłkee na’nitiní nilį́į́h doo. Da’ taash áko t’áá aniiltsoh bighaandí Naat’aanii President Hinckley bił diiká.11 Naat’ąąnii President dóó Sister Hinckley dóó bitsí Jane dóo Eldir dóó Sister Jeffery R. Holland éí ałdó Fatah. Naat’ąąnii President Shute nigha hoolné Brother Haleck yich́į́ dóó lą́ da’aslį́į́h bighaandí da’nihiidoołkaał.12

Ałtsoh Diyin God Bighan da’aashdlishgo, Brother Haleck bighaandi niikai.13 Miil áneelląągo Samoan diné’é bich’į́ hada’iisdziihgo Brother Haleck bighaango niikai. Ábibigo nizhǫ́nigo da’iidąąh, dóó Naat’ąąnii President Hinckley dóó Brother Haleck ałk’is silį́į́h. T’á kóhoot’éídą́ą́ baah ya dásiitį́yąąh gí’át’oa Brother Haleck dóó Naat’ąąnii President Hinckley yaayałłtį́. Brother Haleck ájiní, nisodizin yá’át́éeh ndi t’áá shíjí shisodinjí nisin, nt’ę́ę́ Naat’ąąnii President Hinckley biláwosh goné yisiłgo ani, “Otto, éí doo yá’át’éeh da, t́áá kójí nihił yá’adiinaał. Háálá díí éí Diyin God bisodizin át́é.” Bee bich’į́ há’ooziihígíí bidiisnąą lá, áko dooda jiníhą́ą́h nájí hódząą.

Áádóó asdą́ą́ naahai diyin k’ehjí Otto Haleck adaajoosba’jí nííhzįįhgo tséłkee nida’nitinígíi bił nidaalnishgo tó bee bídiilziih dóó sodizin bee aa’iilyéhígíi bee básohodoozin. Ninaanaahaigo Haleck bighaan has’ąądoo diyin bighandí hoolaagoo Diyin k’ehjí ahéshjéego bá’alyaah. 14

Diyin Bibee’ó’oolį́į́ł Bá Hooghandi Haleck bighan hasąądoo t́áá ałtsoh ahihideeljeeh.

Shijéí diishnąągii éí Naat’ąąni President Wayne Shute bee ayóó’ó’ó’nííh biniinaa Edir Vince Haleck yił haajeehígíí diyin k’ehjí hoolaagoo ahéshjéego bá’alyaah.15

Jó, Israel Diné’é ałah analneehgo nihijéí ayóó’ó’óó’ní bił hólǫ́ǫ́’go t́éíyá16 Diyin Hasdá’iiníiłii binahagha’ bina’nitinii bee bił neelnishgo t́éíyá nahasdzáán bikaagi binaanish bee bik’á’adeelwoł.17

Diyin Hasda’iiníiłii ayóó’á’níí’nígo éíyá nihi k’is dóó nihilakee wooshdę́ę́’ nihił yá’anaah bidíí’nį́į́h doo. T’áá aniidigo yá’anijíjaah nigha’alyaahígíí éí nigha iishjaan áyiilaa, nihi k’is sodizindí bił yá’ádiit’aash.18 Bááh dóó tó dilzingo yidą́ éí diyin k’ehjí, bikeehdę́ę́ éí ashdladiin ahee’ilkidgo Diyin Naaltsoos Ániididę́ę́’ Hasdá’iiníiłii doodayeeh Gamaalii Nitsąągo Áłah nádleehdoo hada’iishdziihígíí éí Hasdá’iiníiłii nitsaago baahwiinitį́.

Łah Saanii Relief Societydę́ę́’ yaanisidaakeesgo éí ha’’atį́į́sh biniyé naanish, “Diné Ałahanalneeh,” nigháłalyaah hastóí diyin God bibee ́óholníihii bił. Naat’ąąnii President Nelson ałtseedą́ą́’ áłah siidlíihyaadą́ą́’ yaah hoolné. He concluded, “We simply cannot gather Israel without you.”19 Diishjį́įdi éí tséłkee nida’nitinígíí éí tádiin biighagí éí nihilakee nida’nitin. Éí bąąh Saanii Relief Societydę́ę́’ ayóó’óó’ní bił nizhǫ́nigo diyin binahagha’ bina’nitinígíí yee nida’nitin. Jó nighanidzinígíí éí t’áá’aniiltsoh, hastóí, saanii, tséłkee, ałchíní, Jesus Christ bina’nitin ayóó’ó’óó’ní bił bee nida’niitin doo. Díí kótao ajooba’ dóó ayóó’ó’óó’ní bił lą’i’ diné nihił yá’adooghaał. Ázhá t’áá doo nihił yá’iiyahígíí ndi tahdii nihik’is dah nilį́į́’ doo.

Diyin bighandi dóó danihicheiyę́ę binaanish éí Israel Diné’é Ahannináhidookahígíí Binaalnishgo át’é.

Ayóó’ó’ó’ní éí ałnį́į́di niheehólǫ́ǫ́’go eiyin bibee’ó’ool’įįł bá hooghan dóó danihicheiyę́ę daneeznánée bá naanish. Nihee ayóó’óó’ní dóó baa aheeniidzin nitsaa yileh éí danihicheiyę́ę bich’į́ ndahwiisnaago tsénaa niheeskai. Díí diyin bibee’ó’ool’įįł bá hooghan dóó danihicheiyę́ę bá na’anish éí bidziil siłį́į́ háálá yá’aneejahyą́ą łago nihigha alyaah, damóogo nánitin dóó tsé’keejí yá’ańjaahígíí. Éí łago nigha’alyaahígíí binají danihicheiyę́ę be’iina’ hadíníitahgo daneezna’née hadíníitah áko Israel Diné’é ahaanináhidookahígíí hazhógo bohódiilaał. T’áá ałah nizhǫ́nígo nitsaago silį́į́h baanidadiilnishgo.

Internet wolyehígíí éí ayoo bidziil; k’ad éí t́áá nihighandoo danihichei daneeznánę́ę hadíníitahgo nigha biigha’ silį́į́h. K’ad éí tséłkee nizhǫ́nígo dabichei dóó dabimásaní hadeenitah dóó diyin bibee’ó’ool’įįłdi tó beebáda’bidiilzį́į́h, háálá ayóó’á’dáhyó’ní daaslį́į́’. Sodizindę́ę́’ bałą́’azłį́į́h díí łá’í łátsaadah ashiiké beedaaháí’ígíí daneezná’ígíí tó bee bidiilzįih, áko Naat’aanii Temple President ádaaní łá’í diyin bighaandi yá’áhikaad silį́į́h. Ła’ Naat’ąąnii Temple President aní, “T́áá iyisii láí tó bee bídiilsįįhígíí silį́į́h dóó łátsaadaah bee daahai’ígíí yiłhaajeehígíi lą́ígo bizhí yáadahyiijaah silį́į́h. Azhá anii nidaakai ndi dah hódisin dóó diyin bibee’o’ool’įį’ binaanishígíí yaanaakaigo bił bee dah hózin nahalin. T’á iiysii nizhǫ́nígo nilį́!”20

Shił bee hozin díí ałchíní dóó tséłkee yił nidaalnishígíí éí naasgoo achei dóó amásaní diyin bibee’ó’ool’įįł bá hooghandí yánidaal nish doo. Saanii Relief Society dóó hastóí dying bibee’óholníihii aká’anidaalwo’go diyin bibee’ó’ool’įįł bá hooghandi dóó danihicheiyę́ę binaanishígíí t́áábí yaanidaalnish doo, tséłkee dóó ałchíní Israel Diné’é ahanináhidookahígíí éí yił nidaalnish doo. Damǫogo éí t́áá hooghaandi baa ndahjilnish doo. Shił bee hozin nihicheiyę́ę bąą neelnishgo nihi tséłkee dóó t’ááła’íhooghandóo éí bąą’ághayąą’ doo, háálá nahasdzáán bikąągí éí ch’į́į́dii k’ehjí bił hoozish. Shił beehozin Naat’ąąnii President Russell M. Nelson éí Diyin God t’áá aníinii bił hoł halne’ígíí éí diyin bibee’ó’ool’įįł bá hooghan dóó danihicheiyę́ę bánaanishjí bił iijaan alyaah.

Hasht’é’adoołneeh Diyin God hool’áágóó bił hinónąągoo t́áá łá’í soozį́’ígíí dóó hooghan hasąądoo.

Anii t́áá hooghandi hazhǫ́’o Diyin bizaad deeyínołtą́ dóó nihá’iishjaan áyiilaa’ hooghanhasą̨ą̨doo hast’é adahdiilneeh Diyin bił keenąądah wiitį́į́ doo.21

Tsídá aláahdi Diyin bibee’ó’holníihii bił aghadéétá’ígíí dóo aniidí éí diné dóó be’asdzani ahéshjéégo áyaa éí t́áá ałkidą́ą́ hool’áágóó ałhaghadeet’án’ígíí át’é.22 Ahiłsíkeego diyin bibee’ó’holníihii binají hazhǫ́’í báalchíní neenitin doo. Women and men have unique roles as outlined in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,”23 but their stewardships are equal in value and importance.24 T’áá’jíłah Diyin God t́áá aníinii yee hoł halne’ígíí éí ha’ałchíní bá. Nizhǫ́nígo ahiłnijilnishgo ayóó’óó’ni biłgo, baa bee lą́’azlį́į́’ígíí éí yá’aashdę́ę́’ hołhané át’éíi doo.

Those who seek to know the will of the Lord as individuals and for their families must strive for righteousness, meekness, kindness, and love. Joobá hwiindzin dóó ayóó’ó’óó’ní éí Diyin yinízinígíí yindaalnish, bá ałchíní yah.

Nihee’iiná doo bąąhchin niidzingo baa neelnishgo éí nihik’idahojídlí doo, áko hast’é’adiilnee’ Diyin God bił ałdaah diitaashígííéí t’áá nihi nghą̨ą silá. T’áá nihi adaaháwiiyá dóó nihighaandi hazhǫ́ hasąą, azhá tł’óódi yéígo dah niyol ndi25 “nihee’oodlą́ nidzil doo.”26 Amá dóó azhé’é binaanish éí bá’ałchíní ayóó’ó’óó’ní yił nideenitin doo. Hooghangi ayóó ó’ó’nóo baa h́ozhǫ́ íl hoshǫ́, dóó nihokąą yáąąsh yilééh.27

Shimá sin bił nizhǫ́ní éí, “Hooghangi Ayóó’ó’o’ní .”28 Shimá áłtsé dah shijaa’ yidiits’į́hgo, “ałtso nihighaangóó ayóó áhonoolnin hooghaangi” ayóó ó’ó’ní holǫ́ǫ łeh. Áłchíní daniidlį́įgo éí nihighangí áko hoot’é; éí tsídá atsíjį’ yinąálnish.29

Hooghangi ako’hoot’éego t́áá bił, Naat’áanii President Nelson aseezį́ binaoltsoos t́áá ayáhigo choołį́, jó éí biká ahat’į́nii yił ni’iisííh.30 T’ááłá’í hooghangi łahgo ádiilníłii hané ałch’i’ ál’į́, ałch’i’ yáti’, dóó niłch’ih naalkidí nihá naalnish t́áá ałts’ą́ą́’ kónihósiní, éí doodsgo yiwóhgo nihilóós. Also nihigáál yich’i’ ńdaabááh, tídá áchíní agháago, nihighan biyi’ góne’é. Amazing dóóazhé’é niidlíí chodeil’į́į t́áá ayáhígo yá’át’ééhii dóó danzhónii, binahjį’ nighangi hóózyéél doo.

Hooghangi ééhózingo nánitin dóó bik’ehgo iiná ndi ii’sizį́į k’ehgo, ił hózhǫ́, dóó bee ayóó’ó’ní.31

Jó Hasdá’iiníiłii nighaniná’ildlą́ígíí alaago baa siikeesgo dóó Israel Diné’é ahanináhidookahígíí t́áá ałch’íjí iiná baa neil nishgo dóó diné biká’aneilwó’go dóó Diyin bich’į́ hast’é’ídiilneehgo, nihits’ąąjí nilí’ígíí nihich’i’ doo bidziilda dooleeł, áko nihił hózhǫ́ dóó hasht’e’hodit’é doo, dóó Diyin God binahagha’ bina’nitin nihighandi hólǫǫ doo ayóó’ó’óó’ní bił. doo.32 Díí shił bee hozin t́áá ánii Diyin Jesus Christ nighá’niná’idlą́ dóó t́áá anii hiná, Jesus Christ bizhí binají, aamen.

Notes wolyé

  1. Doctrine and Covenants 4:1, 5.

  2. Moroni 7:47.

  3. See “Charity and Love,” Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, rev. ed. (2019), 124.

  4. See Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:36–40.

  5. See “Responsibilities of Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidencies in Member Missionary and Temple and Family History Work,” notice, Oct. 6, 2018.

  6. My grandfather was authorized to give a patriarchal blessing to grandchildren who lived in different stakes. It was given to me at age 11 because he was ill and it was thought that he might pass away.

  7. Patriarchal blessing given to Quentin L. Cook by patriarch Crozier Kimball, Oct. 13, 1951, Draper, Utah.

  8. President R. Wayne Shute also served with his wife Lorna on other various kinds of missions in Shanghai, China; Armenia; Singapore; and Greece. After Lorna passed, he married Rhea Mae Rosvall, and they served in the Australia Brisbane Mission. Seven of his nine children have served full-time missions. During two of the years he was serving as a mission president in Samoa, Elder John H. Groberg was serving as mission president in Tonga. The experiences both of them had are legendary.

  9. Otto Haleck was a lay leader in the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, which had roots stemming from the London Missionary Society. His father was of German heritage from Dessau, Germany.

  10. President Don H. Staheli is currently serving as the president of the Bountiful Utah Temple.

  11. President and Sister Hinckley and their daughter Jane Hinckley Dudley, Elder Jeffrey R. and Sister Patricia T. Holland, Elder Quentin L. and Sister Mary G. Cook, and Brother Don H. Staheli were all present.

  12. Elder O. Vincent Haleck informs me that his father invited Vince and his brother David to return from overseas to inspect the house and be there for President Hinckley’s visit. Elder Haleck said his father declared, “These could be angels you know.” He told his sons if they were going to host the prophet, they would want the house to be perfect.

  13. President Hinckley was greeted by the national leadership of American Samoa and many thousands of Samoans at the football stadium.

  14. Uniting families through diligent missionary work has been a great characteristic of both the Samoan and other Polynesian peoples.

  15. President Shute was so loved and appreciated that he was invited to speak at Otto Haleck’s funeral service in 2006.

  16. “Sometimes we may initially serve from a sense of duty or obligation, but even that service can lead us to draw on something higher … to serve in ‘a more excellent way’ [1 Corinthians 12:31Joy D. Jones, “For HimLiahona,Nov. 2018, 50).

  17. See Tad R. Callister, The Infinite Atonement2000), 5–8.

  18. Church members should coordinate with the missionaries whenever they are making invitations.

  19. Russell M. Nelson, “Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of IsraelLiahona,Nov. 2018, 70.

  20. President B. Jackson and Sister Rosemary M. Wixom, president and matron of the Salt Lake Temple, report to the Primary General Presidency, Mar. 2019. They noted that they “are ordering more XXXS baptism clothing to meet the demand!”

  21. See Russell M. Nelson, “Opening RemarksLiahona,Nov. 2018, 6–8.

  22. See Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4.

  23. See “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Liahona, May 2017, 145.

  24. “Every father is to his family a patriarch and every mother a matriarch as coequals in their distinctive parental roles” (James E. Faust, “The Prophetic VoiceEnsign,May 1996, 6).

  25. See Doctrine and Covenants 45:26–27; 88:91.

  26. Russell M. Nelson, “Becoming Exemplary Latter-day SaintsLiahona,Nov. 2018, 113.

  27. See “Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth,” Hymns, no. 298.

  28. “Love at Home,” Hymns, no. 294.

  29. If this kind of love is to be achieved, the direction in Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42 should be the goal:

    “No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

    “By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile.”

    Undue criticism of children should be avoided. Overcoming errors and lack of wisdom require instruction, not criticism. Sin requires chastening (see Doctrine and Covenants 1:25–27).

  30. See Russell M. Nelson, “Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel,” Ensignor Liahona,Nov. 2018; see also Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel” (worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018), HopeofIsrael.

  31. In a sense, teaching in the home is like a one-room school for children of all ages. When teaching the 11-year-old, we can’t ignore the 3-year-old.

  32. See John 17:32 Nephi 31:20Moroni 7:47
