Puedo defender a otras personas
Febrero de 2023

Puedo defender a otras personas

Puedo fijarme en otras personas

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Un hombre llamado Zaqueo quería ver a Jesús. Como era muy bajito, se subió a un árbol para ver mejor. A la mayoría de la gente no le agradaba Zaqueo, pero a Jesús no le importaba lo que pensaran las personas. Vio a Zaqueo y le pidió ir a visitarlo a su casa (véase Lucas 19:2–10).

Cuando alguien está solo, puedo tenderle una mano y ser amable con él.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Puedo incluir a los demás

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Algunos niños fueron a ver a Jesús. Sus discípulos querían que se fueran, pero Jesús dijo: “Dejad a los niños venir a mí” (Marcos 10:14). Él los bendijo y pasó tiempo con ellos.

Cuando alguien se siente excluido, puedo invitarlo a pasar tiempo conmigo.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Puedo hablar a favor de otras personas

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Una noche, una mujer llevó perfume a Jesús como regalo. Algunas personas dijeron que estaba desperdiciando dinero, pero Jesús dijo: “Dejadla, ¿por qué la molestáis?” (Marcos 14:6). Les dijo que ella había hecho una buena obra.

Cuando otras personas dicen algo malo sobre alguien, yo puedo decir algo amable en vez de decir algo malo.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus.  1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair.  Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Ilustraciones por Guy Francis