Akwa Mboho
“Emi Edi Ikɔ-Abasi Mi”—“Emi Edi Ufɔk Abasi Mi”
Akwa Mbono Ɔfiɔŋ Duop 2024


“Emi Edi Ikɔ-Abasi Mi”—“Emi Edi Ufɔk Abasi Mi”

Emi edi ikɔ-Abasi Andinyaŋa, ndien emi edi Ufɔk Abasi Esie (se 3 Nephi 27:21; Mosiah 26:22; 27:13). Edidian ŋkpɔ mbiba emi edi odudu onyuŋ enyene ufɔn.

Ke ediwak mme isua, ekim-ikaŋ ekedi ɔsɔŋ-odudu ŋkan obomo-ntop emi okodude. Oro ekeme nditop nte ekara ikaŋ, edi ikifɔnke ke edikama mbom-isɔŋ ye edida nam ɔkpɔ-usuŋ. Oro ama ikisɔŋke idem ke edibom itiat.

Ke 1846 abuak-ibɔk mbakara owo Italy kiet ekotde Ascanio Sobrero ama anam obufa obomo-ntop kiet, nitroglycerin. Enyene aran ŋkpɔ emi nte ededi ama enehede ɔsɔŋ odudu akan ekim-ikaŋ. Oro ekeme edimia itiat asuan. Ke ndiɔkiso, nitroglycerin ikinyeneke nsɔŋɔ-nda. Edieke afo ayakde enye ɔduɔ oto ke ekpri idaha, oro eyetop-obomo. Edieke enye enehede ofiop, enye eyetop-obomo. Edieke enye enehede ebit, enye eyetop-obomo. Mme ke ekpenim ke mbit-mbit, ekim ubet-ufɔk ndien odu ikpɔŋ, ke akpatre enye eyetop-obomo. Ediwak idut ema etre ŋkpɔ-isaŋ esie, ndien ediwak idut ema etre edibot enye.

Ke 1860 owo mbufiok Sweden kiet ekotde Alfred Nobel ama ɔtɔŋɔ edidomo edinam nitroglycerin enyene ɔsɔŋɔ. Ke odomode edi-nam ke ufaŋ isua Itiaba, enye okut unen esie ke edinyin nitroglycerin nsin ke anana udori ŋkpɔ kiet efiɔkde nte ufuk mbat, mme kieselguhr. Kieselghur edi etibe-ndudu itiat emi ekemede edinuak nsin ke ŋkekeŋe ntɔŋ. Kini ebuakde ye nitroglycerin, kieselghur eyemen nitroglycerin, ndien ekeme edibot udian-ŋkpɔ emi ekemede edida nsin ke “mkpri-eto.” Ke mbiet emi, nitroglycerin enehede ɔsɔŋɔ. Ekeme editim enye nim, enɔ aka isaŋ, enyuŋ ekama ye mbomo ntɔŋ emi midinimeke. Nobel okokot mbuaha eke nitroglycerin ye kieselghur “dynamite.

Dynamite ama ɔkpuhɔ ererimbot. Enye ŋko ama anam Nobel edi imɔ owo. Ke nsuuk miduhe, nitroglycerin akabare edi ŋkpɔ-ndik ke edidi eti ŋkpɔ urua, nte Ascario Sobrebo ekedikutde. Ke idemesie, nte ami ŋketiŋde, kieselghur enyene ekpri ufɔn. Edi edibuak ŋkpɔ mbiba emi eyenam dynamite enyene ufɔn onyuŋ ɔsɔŋurua.

Ke ukem usuŋ oro, edibuak ikɔ Abasi Jesus Christ ye Ufɔk Abasi Jesus Christ Mme Ndisana Owo ke Ukperedem Usen ada ɔkpɔsɔŋ ye edikpuhɔ ufɔn ɔsɔk nnyin. Ikɔ Abasi ɔfɔn ama, edi oyom nsasana enyene-ubiɔŋ ufɔk Abasi man ekwɔrɔ oro, ŋkama ndaha nsana esie, nyuŋ nam mme ndisana edinam esie ke odudu ye unen eke Andinyaŋa.

Kere-baŋa edibuaha ikɔ Abasi eke Andinyaŋa ye Ufɔk Abasi Esie nte Alma prophet eke Ŋwed Mormon akasiakde enim. Ufɔk Abasi ekenyene ubiɔŋ eke ukwɔrɔ-ikɔ “ibɔhɔke erikabare esit ye mbuɔtidem ke Jehovah, emi [edifakde] ikɔt esie.” Ke ekamade unen odudu eke Abasi, Ufɔk Abasi ema enyene ubiɔŋ ndinam edinam uduɔkmmɔŋ “ke enyiŋ Jehovah, nte ntiense [ke ediduk] ediomi ye enye [ke] ndinam utom nnɔ enye nyuŋ nim ibet esie.” Mbon emi ekebɔde uduɔkmmɔŋ ekenyime ndida enyiŋ Jesus Christ nnɔ idem mmɔ, eduk Ufɔk Abasi Esie, ndien ema eŋwɔŋɔ akwa odudu enɔ mmɔ oto ke ediŋwaŋa eke Spirit.

Mme owo ema eka ke mme Mmɔŋ Mormon man ekekop nte Alma ɔkwɔrɔde ikɔ Abasi. Okpusuk ke mmɔ ekekot mme mmɔŋ ye mme ikɔt ekekanare ekuk do ntre, Ufɔk Abasi Jehovah ikidighe ebiet mme ɔbɔbɔp ufɔk, inyuŋ idighe mfin emi. Ufɔk Abasi edi mme owo, mme anditiene Jesus Christ, ebohode enyuŋ etumde esin ke edisana itie emi ekenimde ndiŋwam Abasi edinam mme uduak Esie ŋkure. Ufɔk Abasi edi ŋkpɔ-utom emi nnyin idikpepde akpan ubiɔŋ Jesus Christ ke uduak eke Ete Heaven. Ufɔk Abasi ɔnɔ mme owo unen usuŋ ke edibuana ke mme edinam nyuŋ nam nsinsi ediomi ye Abasi. Ndinim mme ediomi oro ada nyin ekpere Abasi, ɔnɔ nnyin usuŋ ndikut odudu Esie, onyuŋ ɔkpuhɔre nnyin esin ke se Enye oyomde nnyin ikabare idi.

Ukem nte dynamite eke nitroglycerin miduhe midige akamba ŋkpɔ, Ufɔk Abasi Andinyaŋa edi ata akpan ŋkpɔ edieke ebɔpde edori ke ikɔ Abasi Esie kpɔt. Ke ikɔ-Abasi Andinyaŋa ye odudu edida nam mme edinam oro miduhe, Ufɔk Abasi idige ŋwɔrɔ-nda.

Ke misɔŋɔke odudu kieselghur, nitroglycerin enyene ekpri ufɔn ke editop-mbomo. Nte mbuk owutde, ke Ufɔk Abasi Jehovah miduhe, ubonowo edifiɔk ikɔ Abasi Esie inyeneke ɔsɔŋɔ—ŋko eyeduɔ ke ukpepŋkpɔ okoduk ke odudu nsio-nsio edu-ukpono, ido, ye mme mbufiɔk. Edibuaha eke mme odudu oro ama owut idem ke ofuri emana emi adade edisim akpatre emana emi. Okposuk nte ekebakde eyarare ikɔ Abasi ke edisana ndaha esie, erikabare ye nte edade ikɔ Abasi oro enam ŋkpɔ ama ɔtɔŋɔ edinyene mbiet ŋkpɔ Abasi emi ananake odudu koro edisana enyene-unen adaha Ufɔk Abasi ikiduhe.

Ufɔk Abasi Jesus Christ Mme Ndisana Owo ke Ukperedem Usen ɔnɔ usuŋ ndikut odudu Abasi koro Enye ɔnɔ unen mbiba ke edikpep Ukpepŋkpɔ Christ nyuŋ nnɔ mme edinam ikɔ Abasi erinyaŋa ye edimenede. Andinyaŋa oyom edifen mme idiɔkŋkpɔ nnyin, ŋwam nnyin ndibɔ odudu Esie, nyuŋ mkpuhɔ nnyin. Enye ɔkɔbɔ ufen ke ntak idiɔkŋkpɔ nnyin ndien oyom ndifen nnɔ nnyin nsio ke ufen emi ekpedotde ye nnyin edibɔ. Enye oyom nnyin ikabare isana inyuŋ ifɔn ima ke Enye.

Jesus Christ enyene odudu ndinam emi. Enye ikinehede inyene mbɔm ke mmemidem nnyin onyuŋ eseme ke nsinsi edisobo nnyin otode ke utip idiɔkŋkpɔ. Iŋ-iŋ, Enye akanam akan oro, ke akpanikɔ ebe ndaha oro, onyuŋ afiak-emen Ufɔk Abasi edi man usuŋ ndikisim odudu Esie.

Akpan­-ŋkpɔ ke ikɔ Abasi emi Ufɔk Abasi ekpepde edi ke Jesus Christ ama ɔyɔ “ubiak nnyin, onyuŋ emen mfuhɔ nnyin obiom.” Enye ekemen “idiɔkŋkpɔ eke kpukpru nnyin odori ke idemesie.” Enye “okobiom cross,” obuŋ “mme uruk mkpa,” edidɔk ke enyɔŋ, ndien … eketie ke ubɔk nnasia Abasi, man ɔbɔ unen mbɔm eke Ete enyene.” Andinyaŋa akanam kpukpru emi koro Enye amade Ete Esie ndien Enye ama nnyin. Enye ama ebemiso ekpe ekɔmurua oro man Enye ekeme “[edibɔ] kpukpru mbon emi enyenede mbuɔtidem ke enye [onyuŋ etie-ubiɔŋ]” ɔnɔ mmɔ—ɔnɔ nnyin. Jesus Christ iyomke ŋkpɔ ndomokiet akan nnyin edikabare esit nyuŋ ntiene Enye man otodo Enye ekeme ndinɔ nnyin unen nyuŋ nam nnyin isana. Ke udɔŋ emi, Enye iduɔke-odudu inyuŋ isikke-ikpat.

Usuŋ edinyene odudu ediomi Abasi ye ediomi ima Esie oto ke Ufɔk Abasi Esie. Edibuaha ikɔ Abasi eke Andinyaŋa ye Ufɔk Abasi Esie edikpuhɔ uwem nnyin. Oro ama ɔkpuhɔ ete-eka ye eka-eka mi. Ete-eka mi Oskar Andersson akanam utom ke itie-mbehe nsuŋikaŋ ke Högmarsö, isuɔ kiet ke nsuana iduŋ Stockholm. Ŋwan esie, Albertina, ye nditɔ mmɔ ekeduŋ ke ata isɔŋ Sweden. Inikiet ke udua iba, ke Saturday, Oskar eyewat ke ubom ɔnyɔŋ ufɔk ke utit-udua mbemiso edifiak aka ke Högmarsö mbubreyo Sunday. Usen kiet, kini odude ke Högmarsö, enye edikop nte mme ɔkwɔrɔ-ikɔ mbon America iba ekwɔrɔde mfiak-men-ndi ikɔ Abasi Jesus Christ. Oskar edikere ke se enye okopde ekedi ata akpanikɔ, ndien enye ama ɔyɔhɔ ye ata idara.

Ini efen emi enye afiakde aka ufɔk, Oskar ke inemesit etiŋ ɔnɔ Albertina kpukpru abaŋa mme ɔkwɔrɔ-ikɔ oro. Enye anam-aŋwaŋa ke imɔ ima inim se mmɔ ekekpepde. Enye ɔdɔhɔ enye ete okot mkpri ŋwed emi mmɔ ekenɔde enye, onyuŋ ɔdɔhɔ enye ke imɔ ikereke ite ke nditɔ ini-iso mmimɔ eyena uduɔkmmɔŋ nte ke edide nsek-nsek. Albertina ama okop iyaresit onyuŋ otop mkpri ŋwed oro odori ke ŋkpɔ mbio. Ediwak ikɔ ikiduhe ke ufɔt mmɔ mbemiso Oskar afiak aka utom ke mbubreyo Sunday oro.

Ke ndo-ndo nte enye ɔkɔŋyɔŋde, Albertina ama afiak akataŋ mkpri ŋwed oro. Enye enehede ada ukpepŋkpɔ mmɔ odomo ye se ekpepde ke ndiwaha Bible esie. Enye ama edihe ndikop ke se enye okotde ekedi akpanikɔ. Ini efen emi Oskar edide ufɔk, enye ama ɔbɔ inem edidi, ukem nte utɔ Ŋwed Mormon emi enye akadade edi. Albertina ama enehede okot, afiak ada ukpepŋkpɔ oro odomo ye emi odude ke Bible esie. Ukem nte Oskar, enye edikut ata akpanikɔ onyuŋ ɔyɔhɔ ye akwa idara.

Oskar, Albertina, ye nditɔ mmɔ ekenyɔŋ eka Högmarsö man ekedu ekpere esisit mbon Ufɔk Abasi do. Ke udua kiet efen ema enim Oskar ye Albertina baptism ke 1916, ema ekot Oskar ete edi adausuŋ eboho ke Högmarsö. Ukem nte mbon ufɔk Abasi, Oskar ye Albertina ema ekut nsua-nnɔ oto ke obufa edu-ukpono mmɔ. Mbon utom-iŋwaŋ eke obio oro ema esin ndinyam mmɔŋeba nnɔ mmɔ, ntem Oska esiwat ubom ebe aka edem itiat efen kpukpru usen man ekedep mmɔŋeba oto anana-ufip owo-iŋwaŋ kiet.

Edi ke mme isua emi eketienede, mbon Ufɔk Abasi ke Högmarsö ama ɔtɔŋɔ ndiwak. otode ke ɔsɔŋɔ ikɔ ntiense ye akwa udɔŋ ukwɔrɔ-ikɔ eke Albertina. Ini emi eboho oro akabare edi branch, ema ekot Oskar nte branch president.

Mbon ufɔk Abasi ke Högmarsö branch ema ekpono isuɔ oro. Emi ekedi mme Mmɔŋ Mormon mmɔ. Emi ekedi ebiet emi mmɔ ekedifiɔkde Andifak mmɔ.

Ke mme isua eken, nte mmɔ enimde ediomi uduɔkmmɔŋ mmɔ, ema ekpuhɔ Oskar ye Albertina oto ke odudu Jesus Christ. Mmɔ ema eyom ndinam ediwak ediomi nyuŋ mbɔ edidiɔŋ eke temple mmɔ. Man ebɔ mme edidiɔŋ oro, mmɔ ofuri-ofuri ema ekpɔŋ ufɔkiduŋ mmɔ ke Sweden eka Obio Salt Lake ke 1949. Oskar akanam utom nte adausuŋ eke mbon ufɔk Abasi ke Högmarsö ke isua Edip-ye-duopeta.

Edibuaha nitroglycerin ye kieselghur akanam dynamite enyene-ufɔn; edibuaha ikɔ Abasi Jesus Christ ye Ufɔk Abasi Esie inyeneke ekɔmurua. Oskar ye Albertina ema ekop mfiak-men-ndi ikɔ Abasi koro prophet Abasi ama okot, ɔnɔ-ubiɔŋ, onyuŋ ɔnɔ mme ɔkwɔrɔ-ikɔ Abasi eka Sweden. Ke edisana ubiɔŋutom, mme ɔkwɔrɔ-ikɔ ekpep ukpepŋkpɔ Christ ndien ke odudu unen itie-oku edinim Oskar ye Albertina baptism. Nte mbon ufɔk Abasi, Oskar ye Albertina eka-iso ndibɔ-ukpep, ŋkɔri nyuŋ nam-ŋkpɔ nnɔ mbon efen. Mmɔ ekabare Ndisana Owo ke Ukperedem Usen koro mmɔ ema enim ediomi emi mmɔ ekanamde.

Andinyaŋa okot Ufɔk Abasi Jesus Christ Mme Ndisana Owo ke Ukperedem Usen ete “ufɔk Abasi mi” koro Enye ɔkɔnɔ ubiɔŋ oro ndinam mme uduak Esie—edikwɔrɔ ikɔ Abasi, ɔnɔ mme edinam ye ediomi Esie, ye anamde oro emem ɔnɔ odudu Esie ndinɔ unen nyuŋ nam nnyin isana. Ke Ufɔk Abasi Esie miduhe, odudu-unen iduhe, edikwɔrɔ akpanikɔ emi ekeyarare ke enyiŋ Esie iduhe, mme edinam ye ediomi iduhe, eriyarare odudu ŋkpɔ-Abasi iduhe, edikpuhɔ ndi se Abasi oyomde nnyin idi iduhe, ndien uduak emi Abasi enyenede ɔnɔ nditɔ Esie edi ikpikpu. Ufɔk Abasi ke emana emi edi akpan-ŋkpɔ ke uduak Esie.

Ami ŋkot mbufo nte enehede eyak idem mbufo enɔ Andinyaŋa, ikɔ Abasi Esie, ye Ufɔk Abasi Esie. Nte mbufo enamde ntre, mbufo eyekut ke ebuana eke ikɔ Abasi Andinyaŋa ye Ufɔk Abasi Esie eyeda odudu esin ke uwem mbufo. Odudu emi enehede okpon akan dynamite. Oro eyebom mme itiat ke usuŋ mbufo, ɔkpuhɔ mbufo esin nte adia-akpa kiet ke obio ubɔŋ Abasi. Ndien afo eye “yɔhɔ ye idara oro emi owo mikemeke editiŋ ye uyɔhɔ ubɔŋ.” Ke enyiŋ Jesus Christ, amen.

Mkpri ŋwed

  1. Black powder is a mixture of potassium nitrate (saltpeter), sulfur, and charcoal. It is classified as a low explosive or a low-yield explosive because of its relatively slow decomposition rate, burning at subsonic speeds. High explosives or high-yield explosives detonate rather than burn, producing a supersonic shock wave.

  2. Dynamite enabled “an unprecedented surge in the creation of rail tunnels, sewer systems, and subways around the world—major engineering projects that would have been impossible to [accomplish] without the controlled explosions [that it allowed]. Almost all the iconic engineering triumphs of the [late 19th and early 20th centuries]—the London Underground, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Transcontinental Railroad, [and] the Panama Canal—relied extensively on the new explosive” (Steven Johnson, The Infernal Machine: A True Story of Dynamite, Terror, and the Rise of the Modern Detective [2024], 24).

  3. Because nitroglycerin itself was not commercially viable, Ascanio Sobrero did not become wealthy because of his invention. However, when Alfred Nobel built a dynamite factory at Avigliana, Italy, in 1873, Sobrero was appointed as a well-paid adviser in recognition of his discovery of nitroglycerin. Sobrero held that appointment until his death in 1888. (See G. I. Brown, The Big Bang: A History of Explosives [1998], 106.)

  4. For the history of black powder, nitroglycerin, and dynamite, see Brown, The Big Bang, 1–121.

  5. The gospel of Jesus Christ is synonymous with the doctrine of Christ.

  6. See Mosiah 18:7, 20; 25:15, 22.

  7. Mosiah 18:10.

  8. See 2 Nephi 31:13.

  9. See Mosiah 18:17; 25:18, 23; Alma 4:4–5; Helaman 3:24–26; 3 Nephi 28:18, 23.

  10. Se 2 Nephi 31:12–14; Mosiah 18:10.

  11. The Church is key to offering sacred covenants to Heavenly Father’s children. This is why, during the endowment in temples, members covenant to keep the law of consecration. This means that they “dedicate their time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed them to building up Jesus Christ’s Church on the earth” (General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 27.2, Gospel Library).

  12. See Russell M. Nelson, “Spiritual Treasures,” Liahona, Nov. 2019, 77.

  13. See Mosiah 18:22; Moses 6:68; Guide to the Scriptures, “Sons and Daughters of God,” Gospel Library.

  14. Se 3 Nephi 27:13–21.

  15. Se Articles of Faith 1:5.

  16. See Russell M. Nelson, “Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys,” Liahona, May 2024, 121; 3 Nephi 27:9–11.

  17. The Savior “gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers” so that “we [could] all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, … that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4:11, 13–14).

  18. Syncretism is the technical term for the amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

  19. Se Joseph Smith—History 1:19.

  20. See “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World,” Gospel Library. The proclamation was read by President Russell M. Nelson as part of his message at the 190th Annual General Conference, April 5, 2020, in Salt Lake City, Utah (see “Hear Him,” Liahona, May 2020, 91–92).

  21. We can access God’s power by exercising faith in Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and keeping the covenants we make with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in ordinances such as baptism, the endowment, and the sacrament.

  22. See Guide to the Scriptures, “Justification, Justify,” Gospel Library.

  23. See Guide to the Scriptures, “Sanctification,” Gospel Library.

  24. Se Moroni 10:32–33.

  25. See Hebrews 4:15; see also footnote a.

  26. Se Doctrine and Covenants 19:15–18.

  27. Se Isaiah 53:4–12.

  28. Hebrews 12:2.

  29. Mosiah 15:23.

  30. Moroni 7:27–28; see also Doctrine and Covenants 45:3–5.

  31. Se Mosiah 18:30.

  32. See Inger Höglund and Caj-Aage Johansson, Steg i Tro: Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga i Sverige 1850–2000 (2000), 66–67.

  33. Doctrine and Covenants 115:4.

  34. Se Doctrine ye Covenants 84:19–21.

  35. If you receive what the Lord’s Church offers, you can be perfected in Christ before His Church is perfected, if it ever is. His goal is to perfect you, not His Church. His goal has never been to, metaphorically, turn kieselguhr into diamond; His goal has been to refine you into pure gold, to save and exalt you as a co-inheritor with Him in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. But that needs to become your goal, too. It is your choice.

  36. Helaman 5:44.