Scripture Stories
Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah

“Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Alma 43–44

Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah

A battle and a promise to live in peace

Zerahemnah leads his armies

Zerahemnah was the leader of the Lamanite armies. He wanted to rule over the Nephites and make them serve his people. Zerahemnah led his armies to attack the Nephites.

Alma 43:3–8

Nephite army watches the Lamanite army

The Nephites wanted to protect their homes, families, and religion. They knew they would not be able to worship the Lord if the Lamanites ruled over them. The Nephites chose to fight their enemies.

Alma 43:9–10, 14–15

Moroni looks forward with clouds behind

A man named Moroni was the captain of the Nephite armies. Moroni made sure his armies were ready to fight.

Alma 43:16–17

Captain Moroni and Nephite soldiers ready to fight

Moroni’s soldiers brought weapons, and Moroni gave them strong armor and shields to protect them.

Alma 43:18–19

Lamanites watch the Nephite army and look scared

Moroni took his armies to fight the Lamanites. But when the Lamanites saw the Nephites had armor and shields, they were scared to fight. The Lamanites only had thin clothes and no armor to protect them.

Alma 43:19–21

Lamanite soldiers run in forest

The Lamanites left. They tried to sneak to a different Nephite land. They thought Moroni would not know where they went.

Alma 43:22

Nephite spies watch running Lamanite soldiers

But as soon as the Lamanites left, Moroni sent spies to follow them.

Alma 43:23

Nephite soldier listens to Alma

Then Moroni sent a message to the prophet Alma. He wanted Alma to ask the Lord what the Lamanites were planning to do. The Lord told Alma that the Lamanites were planning to attack a weak land called Manti. Moroni listened to Alma. He led his armies to fight against the Lamanites.

Alma 43:23–33

Lamanite and Nephite soldiers fight each other

The armies fought. The Lamanites were very strong and angry. The Nephites became scared of the Lamanites and were going to run away. But Moroni reminded them of their families and faith, so they kept fighting.

Alma 43:34–37, 43–48

Moroni holds out hand to stop fighting

The Nephites prayed to the Lord for help. The Lord answered their prayers and gave them great power. Now the Lamanites were scared. They were trapped and could not escape. When Moroni saw that the Lamanites were scared, he told his soldiers to stop fighting. Moroni did not want to kill the Lamanites.

Alma 43:49–53; 44:1–2

Moroni speaks to the Lamanites

Moroni told Zerahemnah that the Lamanites could go if they promised to never fight the Nephites again. Zerahemnah was angry and tried to keep fighting, but he could not beat Moroni’s soldiers. Then Zerahemnah and his armies promised to live in peace, and Moroni let them go.

Alma 44:1–20
