Scripture Stories
Moroni the Prophet

“Moroni the Prophet,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Mormon 8; Moroni 1; 710

Moroni the Prophet

Having the pure love of Jesus Christ

Moroni looks at a burning city

Moroni was the last Nephite prophet. He fought in a big war between the Nephites and Lamanites. His family and everyone he knew died in the war. The people in the land were wicked. They killed anyone who believed in Jesus Christ. Moroni believed in Jesus. He would not deny that Jesus is the Savior.

Mormon 8:2–10; Moroni 1:2–3

Moroni carries the metal plates and hides with them from a group of soldiers

Moroni’s father, Mormon, had been writing the history of their people on metal plates. Before Mormon died, he gave the plates to Moroni. Moroni had to hide to protect his own life and the plates.

Mormon 6:6; 8:1–5, 13; Moroni 1:1–3

Moroni sits in a cave and writes on the metal plates

Life was hard for Moroni, but he stayed faithful. He wrote down what Mormon taught about charity, the pure love of Christ. Mormon said people should pray to God with all the energy of their hearts to get this love. He said God gives charity to those who truly follow Jesus.

Moroni 7:32–33, 40–48; 10:20–21, 23

a family is happy about being given food, and Moroni smiles

Moroni loved the Lamanites even though some of them had killed everyone he knew and wanted to kill him. He wrote many things on the metal plates to help Lamanites in the future. He hoped they would read the record someday and believe in Jesus again.

Mormon 8:1–3; Moroni 1:1–4; 10:1

Moroni sits on a grassy hill and writes on the metal plates

Moroni invited all people who read the record to think about how lovingly God has cared for His children. He invited them to pray and ask God if the record is true. He said if they have faith in Jesus and really want to know, God will let them know the truth. They will know by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Introduction to the Book of Mormon; Moroni 10:1–5

Moroni buries the metal plates and moves a rock over the hiding spot

Moroni finished writing the record. Then he buried the metal plates in the ground. Jesus told Moroni that the history written on the plates would one day bless the lives of God’s children throughout the world.

Mormon 8:4, 14–16

young Joseph Smith moves a rock and sees the metal plates and Liahona

Many years later, God sent Moroni, as an angel, to show a young boy named Joseph Smith where the metal plates were buried. Joseph was called of God to be a prophet. God helped Joseph translate the plates so people could read what was written on them. The record is now called the Book of Mormon.

Introduction to the Book of Mormon
