Scripture Stories
Captain Moroni and Pahoran

“Captain Moroni and Pahoran,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

Alma 59–62

Captain Moroni and Pahoran

Strength from God

Captain Moroni keeps watch, and tired and injured soldiers rest

The Nephites and Lamanites were at war. Moroni was the captain of the Nephite armies. The Nephite leaders did not send enough soldiers or food. Moroni was angry and wrote a letter to Pahoran, the leader of the Nephites.

Alma 59:3–13; 60:1, 3–5

Captain Moroni writes a letter

In his letter, Moroni asked Pahoran why he had not sent help. Moroni thought Pahoran did not care about the people and just wanted power. Moroni wanted his people to be free.

Alma 60

Pahoran reads Captain Moroni’s letter and looks sad

Pahoran was sad the armies did not have help. He wanted to help Moroni, but he could not. Some of the Nephites were fighting against him.

Alma 61:1–4

Nephites dressed in fancy clothes stand on a city wall and yell

Those Nephites were called king-men. They wanted to have power for themselves and rule over the people. They had taken the government from Pahoran.

Alma 51:5; 61:3–5, 8

Pahoran writes a letter and looks over a camp

Pahoran wanted to keep leading the Nephites so that he could help them. Like Moroni, he wanted the Nephites to follow God and keep their freedom. He wished that they did not have to fight anyone. But he was willing to fight if it helped keep his people safe.

Alma 61:9–14, 19–20

Pahoran talks to a crowd of Nephites

Pahoran asked the Nephites to help him fight to protect their families, their freedom, and their right to worship God. He knew that the Spirit of God would be with them when they chose to fight for what was right. Many Nephites came to help Pahoran defend their country.

Alma 61:5–7, 14–15

Pahoran writes a letter

Pahoran wrote Moroni a letter. He was not mad at Moroni. He told Moroni everything that was going on. He asked Moroni to come and help him fight the king-men. Pahoran knew that if they followed God, they did not need to be scared. God would protect them and help them.

Alma 61:9, 14–21

Captain Moroni holds up the title of liberty and marches among Nephites

Moroni was filled with hope because of Pahoran’s faith. But he was sad some Nephites were fighting their own people and not obeying God. Moroni took an army and went to help Pahoran. He held up the title of liberty everywhere he went. Thousands of Nephites decided to fight to defend their freedom.

Alma 62:1–5

Captain Moroni and Pahoran smile and look at a map

Moroni and Pahoran defeated the king-men with their armies. Pahoran became the leader of the Nephites again. Moroni sent many men to help the Nephite armies. He also sent the armies food. Now that the Nephites were united, they won many battles. They took many Nephite cities back from the Lamanites.

Alma 62:6–32
