Ļoor Jisōs ilo England
Jānwōde 2023

Ļoor Jisōs ilo England

Jeļā kajjien Lucia, Vivie, im Zac!

Kōn Er.

Vivie and Lucia Jenkins (sisters) smile as they stand next to a miniature pony.
Zac Jenkins smiles as he stands next to a very tall sunflower.

Āt ko: Lucia, 7 iiō ; Vivie, 9 iiō ; im Zac, 9 iiō 

Jān: Herefordshire, England

Kajin: English

Kōttōpar ko im Ettōņak ko: Juon m̧ōttā eo em̧m̧an (Lucia), kakeememej Laajrak in Tōmak ko (Vivie), im jipan̄ ajri ro ikkure ikkure ko (Zac)

Baam̧le: Lucia im Zac rej jeṃjāti, im Vivie ej cousin eo aer.

Elmen Aer Ļoor Jisōs

Two boys pushing a lawn mower

“Baam̧le ko am rej jokwe ilo juon wōt jikin tāāp menin mour ko āinwōt Bubu im Jimma,” Lucia ej ba. “Elukkuun lōn̄ jerbal ko n̄an kōm̧m̧ani, ak em̧m̧an ad mour n̄e jej jerbal in jipan̄. Jejļā bwe Jisōs ekōņaan bwe jān jerbal in jipan̄.”

“Jej jipan̄ Bubu laleļo̧k pony ko,” Vivie ej ba. “Jekar tōlļo̧k er n̄an meļaaj eo n̄an m̧ōn̄ā eo. Jekar karreoik jikin pād eo aer, kuumi bōraer, naajidik er, im kanne bōkaj in daak ko aer. Em̧m̧an ippām jipan̄ Bubu.”

Zac ej ļoore Jisōs ilo an jerbal in jipan̄ barāinwōt. “Lōļļap eo erūtto jim̧m̧am ekar takto kōn pein. Ekar jab maron̄ jerbal ilo jikin kallib eo an. Baam̧le eo aō, ro rilikin, im bubu im jimma kar jipan̄ ļoonmore im joļo̧k wūjooj ko. Lōļļap eo jim̧m̧aō ekar lukkuun m̧ōņōņō!”

Men Ko Rem̧m̧an Tata Ippāer

1. A map of Great Britain: With the Preston England Temple, London England Temple, and Icon landmarks around the country to create an England feel. The background would extend behind the blocks of type, see rough layout. The dimensions include the background. 2. An Envelope 3. Two girls, Lucia (age 7) and Vivie (age 9), riding horses together. 4. Collage of Mangos, Sweet potatoes, Broccoli 5. Queen Elizabeth 6. Three colored pencils: (Turquoise, purple and yellow)

Jikin: Lucia im Vivie em̧m̧an ippāer pād ippān kidia ko

Bwebwenato ko ilo Jeje Ko Rekwojarjar: Eo em̧m̧antata ippān Zac ej kōn iien eo Jisōs ekar etetal ioon dān.

Leen wōjke ak vegetable: Man̄ko (Lucia), pitāto tōņal (Vivie), broccoli (Zac)

Kōlar: Purple (Lucia), turquoise (Vivie), im iaļļo (Zac)

Kūlaaj in ta eo ilo jikuuļ: Art (Lucia im Vivie) im history (Zac)
