Te hi‘oraa o te Faaora no te haapa‘o.
Eperera 2015

Te hi‘oraa o te Faaora no te haapa‘o

Na To’na hi‘oraa e tuu mai i te hoho‘a no tatou paatoa ia pee.

Photograph of actor portraying Jesus Christ in the Bible Videos.

« I roto i te mau haapiiraa atoa no ni‘a i te oraraa o te Faaora, aita e mea papû a‘e e te mana rahi a‘e i te haapiiraa no te haapa‘o », ta Elder Robert D. Hales no te Pŭpŭ no te Tino Ahuru Ma Piti Aposetolo i haapii mai i te amuiraa rahi no eperera 2014. Aita te hi‘oraa o te Faaora e haapii noa nei ia tatou no te aha e mea faufaa te haapa‘o i te Metua i te Ao ra, te haapii atoa nei ho‘i nahea ta tatou e nehenehe ia haapa‘o. A hi‘o faahou ai outou i teie mau hi‘oraa mai roto mai i Ta’na taviniraa, a feruri nahea te reira e nehenehe ai ia riro ei e‘a no outou ia pee i roto i to outou oraraa.

112 x 60" painting of Christ being baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.

1. Noa’tu â aita ta Iesu e hara, ua auraro oia i te ture no te bapetizoraa ia « faati‘a i te mau parau ti‘a atoa » (Mataio 3:13–17 ; hi‘o atoa 2 Nephi 31:4–7 ; Ioane 3:5).

Jesus Christ (depicted at age twelve) in the Temple in Jerusalem. Numerous doctors of Jewish law are gathered around Christ. The doctors are listening in astonishment at the wisdom of the young Christ. (Luke 2:41-50)

2. I te 12raa o to’na matahiti, ua itehia mai ia Iosepha raua Maria Iesu i roto i te hiero te haapii ra, At the age of 12, when Joseph and Mary found Jesus teaching in the temple, ua « faaroo atura ia raua », e ua ho‘i Oia i te fare e raua (hi‘o Luka 2:42–51).


3. Noa’tu e, ua ani Oia ia faanuuhia te ‘au‘a mai Ia’na ra, ua auraro noa Oia ia mamae i roto i te ô no Getesemane (hi‘o Mataio 26:36–44 ; Luka 22:39–54).


4. Ua haapa‘o Oia i te mahana sabati e ua haere i te mau pureraa i te sunago (hi‘o Luka 4:16-44).


5. Ua auraro Iesu ia haavâhia Oia e te taata ia tupu te ohipa e te hanahana a te Metua (hi‘o Isaia 53:7 ; Mataio 26:53 ; Mose 1:39).


6. Ua faaoti Oia i Ta’na ohipa ma te vaiiho i te taata viivii ia faasatauro Ia’na (hi‘o Mataio 27:35 ; Ioane 10:17–18 ; Galatia 1:3–5).

Jesus Christ depicted in the midst of people of varying races or nationalities. Christ is portrayed in white robes. He has His arms extended toward the people gathered around Him. Light emanates from the figure of Christ. The background behind the other figures is dark. The artist used the dark background to symbolize the power of Satan in the world. The light around Christ is symbolic of the protection and safety found in following Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 1:36)

7. Ma te haapa‘o noa i te parau a To’na Metua, ua haere Iesu i roto i te ao varua no te faanaho i te ohipa misionare i reira (hi‘o 1 Petero 3:18–20 ; 4:6).

Christ standing on a rocky ledge as He rebukes Satan who appears below Him. The painting depicts the event wherein Satan tried to tempt Christ after Christ's forty day fast in the wilderness. Christ is commanding Satan to depart from His presence.

8. Ua faahemahia Iesu e Satane, aita râ Oia i hema (hi‘o Mataio 4:1–11 ; PH&PF 20:22).

Joseph Smith, Jr. depicted kneeling in the Sacred Grove during the First Vision. A ray of light can be seen coming from the sky down through the trees toward Joseph.

9. Ua tamau noa Oia i te rave i te hinaaro o te Metua ma te faatere i te Ekalesia (hi‘o Iosepha Semita—Aamu 1:16–17 ; D&C 19:2, 24).
