Kom til templet
January 2018

Kom til templet


Come to the Temple

1. Come to the temple!

See its beauty glowing;

Feel its power growing

Deep within your soul,

Growing deep within your soul.

Come to the temple!

Let God’s love enfold you,

Sacred cov’nants hold you—

Bring you safely home.

They will bring you safely home.

2. Come to the temple!

Let your heart be healed there,

Loved ones dear be sealed there

For eternity,

Throughout all eternity.

Come to the temple!

Lay aside earth’s treasure.

Follow Christ forever.

Come into His House.

Come into His holy house.

Oh, come inside without delay.

With open arms He welcomes you;

With love He bids you stay.

Come to His house of peace and prayer.

The Lord awaits to bless you there.

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