Scripture Stories
Signs of Jesus’s Birth

“Signs of Jesus’s Birth,” Book of Mormon Stories (2023)

3 Nephi 1

Signs of Jesus’s Birth

Faith in a prophet’s teachings

mother and father with baby and children walk in city

It had been about five years since Samuel the prophet taught about the signs of Jesus Christ’s birth. Many people believed and watched for the signs. Other people said Samuel was wrong and the time for the signs had already passed. They made fun of the believers and said Jesus would not come.

Helaman 14:2–7; 3 Nephi 1:4–6

family sits at home, and the father speaks

The believers were worried, but they had faith. They kept watching for the signs. One sign was a night when it would not get dark. It would be as bright as day even after the sun went down. The night without darkness would be a sign that Jesus would be born the next day in another land.

Helaman 14:2–4; 3 Nephi 1:7–8

family is frightened while being yelled at

The people who did not believe made a plan. They picked a day and said that if the sign did not happen by that day, the believers would be put to death.

3 Nephi 1:9

Nephi sees people being mean to the family

A man named Nephi was a prophet at this time. He was very sad that some people wanted to put the believers to death.

3 Nephi 1:10

Nephi kneels down to pray

Nephi bowed down on the ground and prayed to God for the believers who were about to die because of their faith. He prayed all day.

3 Nephi 1:11–12

Nephi holds his hands together and prays

In answer to his prayer, Nephi heard Jesus’s voice. Jesus said the sign would happen that night and then He would be born the next day.

3 Nephi 1:12–14

people look at the sky with wonder

That night there was no darkness even though the sun went down. The people who had not believed Samuel’s words were so surprised that they fell to the ground. They were afraid because they had not believed. The people who believed were not put to death.

3 Nephi 1:15–19

families look at a bright blue sky with wonder

The next day, the sun rose again and the sky stayed bright. All the people knew that this was the day Jesus would be born.

3 Nephi 1:19

people look at the sky and see a new star

The people saw another sign. A new star appeared in the sky. All the signs that Samuel spoke about came true. Many more people believed in Jesus and were baptized.

Helaman 14:2–7; 3 Nephi 1:20–23
