“About the Hymns: I Will Walk with Jesus,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
I Will Walk with Jesus
In 2019 the Church was planning to introduce a new program to help strengthen children and youth. It would invite them to learn and grow by following the Savior’s example as described in Luke 2:52: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” The Primary General Presidency requested submissions for a new children’s song to capture the spirit and direction of the new program.
Author and composer Stephen P. Schank responded by submitting “I Will Walk with Jesus,” an upbeat and hopeful song about growing as Jesus did and trusting Him as He helps us “live and grow eternally.” The song beautifully describes following the covenant path as walking with Jesus to our heavenly home. “While pondering its message,” Brother Schank recalls, “I was struck by the idea that choosing to walk with Jesus Christ is not something we do only once, but every day of our lives. As we do, the Savior shares His power with us, changing our very hearts to become more loving, more holy, more like Him.”
“I Will Walk with Jesus” was first performed at the November 2019 Face to Face broadcast explaining the Children and Youth program.
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for I Will Walk with Jesus
Heavenly Father loves all of His children.
Jesus Christ shows us the way to return to Heavenly Father.
We follow Jesus Christ when we make covenants with God.
Jesus Christ showed us how to love others.
Questions to Ponder
When have you felt the love and peace of Jesus Christ?
What does it mean to have Jesus Christ change your heart?
How can you show Jesus you want to walk with Him?
How can you share God’s love with others?
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