“About the Hymns: Come, Hear the Word the Lord Has Spoken,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
Come, Hear the Word the Lord Has Spoken
Author and composer Frans Heijdemann was an accomplished organist, conductor, and translator from the Netherlands. For him music was a natural means of expressing faith, praising the Lord, and uniting people of different religions. He led choirs and orchestras for Church and civic events, often conducting ensembles in performing his own compositions.
Brother Heijdemann worked in Church publishing for many years. He was an editor for the Dutch edition of the Liahona magazine and worked on the Dutch hymnbook (Lofzangen) and children’s songbook (Kinderliedjes), which were published in the 1990s. He wrote “Come, Hear the Word the Lord Has Spoken” for the Dutch hymnbook.
Originally titled “Luister naar het woord des Heren” (“Listen to the Word of the Lord”), Brother Heijdemann’s hymn is a song of hope and gratitude. It encourages us to rejoice in the reopening of the heavens and the blessings of modern-day revelation. It expresses the joy we will feel at the Second Coming, when the Savior will wipe away all tears and rule in righteousness as our King. And it invites us to join in singing praises to Him for His anticipated return.
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God has restored the gospel of Jesus Christ in the latter days.
Jesus Christ redeems us and invites us to be gathered to Him and His Church.
We will rejoice and give thanks at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ because He will bring peace, justice, and healing.
Questions to Ponder
How is your life different because of the divine truth God has restored in the latter days?
How can the restored gospel of Jesus Christ spiritually prepare you for the Savior’s Second Coming?
What do you look forward to most about the Lord’s Second Coming?
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