“About the Hymns: I Know That My Savior Loves Me,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
I Know That My Savior Loves Me
In 2000 author and composer Tami J. Creamer was asked to write a song about the Savior for a choir of Primary-aged children to sing at an upcoming stake conference. As Sister Creamer thought and prayed about this assignment, she reflected on the account of the resurrected Savior ministering to people in the Book of Mormon, blessing their little children “one by one” (3 Nephi 17:21). Those children had actually gathered around Jesus Christ and heard His voice.
Sister Creamer felt it was a great responsibility to create a song about the Savior. During the process of writing, she felt inspired to enlist the help of a longtime friend, Sister Derena A. Bell, with the lyrics. As they prayed about the song, they felt impressed to teach children that even though they might not see the Savior face to face, they can have a testimony of Him and feel His love. Together, Sister Creamer and Sister Bell crafted a text that allows children to bear testimony in simple language of the Savior’s love for them and their love for Him.
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for I Know That My Savior Loves Me
Jesus Christ loves all children.
We can know that Jesus Christ is real even without seeing Him.
When we learn about Jesus Christ and His teachings, we can feel His love.
Questions to Ponder
What can you do to remember that Jesus Christ is real?
Where can you learn about Jesus Christ and His teachings?
What are some ways that you can follow Jesus Christ?
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