“About the Hymns: Were You There?,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
Were You There?
The beloved hymn “Were You There?” belongs to the tradition of African American spiritual songs. It prompts us to reverently imagine witnessing the Savior’s death and Resurrection and to consider how we would have felt if we had been there.
This song originated in the 19th century among enslaved people in the United States who passed it down orally with many variations. In 1940 it became the first African American spiritual to be included in a major American hymnal. The Church later published it in the 1968 collection M.I.A. Let’s Sing, no. 2.
The four stanzas that appear in Hymns—For Home and Church refer to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the darkness following His death, His body being laid in the tomb, and His glorious Resurrection. While the first three verses end with an expression of grief, the fourth verse culminates in a joyful declaration: “I feel like shouting Glory!” The simple words and expressive music evoke the suffering of the Savior and the sorrow felt by His followers. The final verse conveys joy, awe, and hope at the thought of His Resurrection.
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Jesus Christ suffered intense pain and agony for our sins.
On the third day after His Crucifixion, Jesus Christ took up His body again and became the first person to be resurrected from the dead.
Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, all God’s children will be resurrected, having their spirits reunited with their bodies and receiving the blessing of immortality.
Questions to Ponder
Why is it important for you to think often about the life and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ?
What are some reasons why Jesus Christ is called the Savior of the world?
What can you do to share the message of hope that comes from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
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