undefined undefined About the Hymns: Come, Lord Jesus
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About the Hymns: Come, Lord Jesus

“About the Hymns: Come, Lord Jesus,” About the Hymns (2025)

About the Hymns

Come, Lord Jesus

The hymn “Come, Lord Jesus” refers to the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem, His mission of healing and salvation, and His future return in glory to reign upon the earth. It was originally written for the musical production Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection, which premiered in 2000 in the newly completed Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah. This dramatization, created under the direction of the First Presidency, bears witness of Jesus Christ to the world.

The play depicts Mary and Joseph and others preparing to welcome the infant Jesus, as well as scenes of those who were witnesses to His Resurrection. It concludes with the resurrected Lord ascending to heaven as His followers plead for the day of His return: “Come in glory; come again. Come to us to rule and reign. Ready us to kneel and greet Thee. Come, Lord Jesus, come!” As we sing this hymn, we join in that invitation, asking for the Lord’s help to prepare us for His Second Coming.

Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for Come, Lord Jesus



  • As our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ overcame sin and death for all of God’s children who turn to Him in faith.

  • When we humbly turn to Jesus Christ, we can receive His mercy and healing.

  • Jesus Christ will bring peace to the earth when He returns.

Questions to Ponder

  • What are some reasons why you need the divine help of Jesus Christ in your life?

  • How has learning about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ influenced your life?

  • What are some ways that you can prepare and help others prepare for the Savior’s promised Second Coming?

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