“About the Hymns: I Can’t Count Them All,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
I Can’t Count Them All
Swedish author Lina Sandell-Berg grew up with an abiding trust in God. As a young girl, she was bedridden for almost a year. When she miraculously recovered, she expressed her gratitude by writing and publishing spiritual poetry. She wrote faith-filled poetry most of her life and is still one of Sweden’s most beloved hymn writers.
This hymn was inspired by a children’s picture-book illustration of a boy working intently on his slate, presumably struggling with a math problem. Sandell-Berg realized that some things cannot be weighed, measured, or counted at all—namely, the proofs of God’s goodness that sparkle all around us like morning dewdrops, infinite and unquantifiable. Even when the darkness of the world threatens to overwhelm us, God’s mercies are as constant and steady as the stars that fill the night sky.
Sandell-Berg titled her poem “Jag kan icke räkna dem alla” (“I cannot count them all”). The Swedish organist Albert Lindström set the poem’s text to music. It has been included in the Swedish hymnbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1993.
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for I Can’t Count Them All
Because the Lord is loving, He shows mercy and gives countless gifts to us.
We can find evidence of the Lord’s mercy and gifts all around us.
The Lord’s mercies and gifts help dispel darkness and fear.
When we recognize the many mercies and gifts God has given, we desire to offer our gratitude to Him.
Questions to Ponder
What evidence of the Lord’s blessings and mercies have you seen in your life?
Why is it important to recognize that we do not need to be perfect in order to receive the Lord’s mercies and gifts?
How can you show gratitude to the Lord for the mercies and gifts you receive?
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