undefined undefined About the Hymns: This Little Light of Mine
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About the Hymns: This Little Light of Mine

“About the Hymns: This Little Light of Mine,” About the Hymns (2025)

About the Hymns

This Little Light of Mine

This song arose out of oral traditions in the Southern United States before slavery was abolished in 1865. Francis A. Clark published an early version of the song. He recalled, “From earliest childhood I heard [this and other] songs, sung by my elders (who had all their lives been held in slavery …) as they gathered, almost nightly, in our home and in the homes of our kindred and friends.” Later, Clark wrote down some of these songs from memory and published them in 1937.

“This Little Light of Mine” grew in popularity during the next few decades and became one of the anthems for the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the 1960s. Singers sometimes changed the words to represent their personal trials, creating what became known as freedom songs. Many different versions of the text and tune exist today, but the overall message remains the same—that we can all share our God-given light with others.

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  • Jesus Christ brings light to everyone in the world.

  • When I try to follow Jesus Christ, His light grows brighter in me.

  • I can share the Lord’s light with others when I show them kindness and love.

Questions to Ponder

  • Why does being in the light feel better than being in darkness?

  • What does God’s light help you to see or feel?

  • What are some ways that you can add more of God’s light to your life?

  • What can you do to let God’s light shine to people around you?

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