undefined undefined About the Hymns: Welcome Home
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About the Hymns: Welcome Home

“About the Hymns: Welcome Home,” About the Hymns (2025)

About the Hymns

Welcome Home

In late January of 2017, Andrea Christensen Brett visited her son’s college songwriting class on a day when students were sharing original hymns. Inspired by their music, she challenged herself to write a hymn. Despite her long career as a songwriter and performer, hymn writing was something she hadn’t done since she was a music student nearly 40 years earlier.

Just days later, she received inspiration for her hymn while she and her husband were visiting his parents and attending church in their ward. As they approached the building, they were enthusiastically greeted by a man—a new convert to the Church—standing outside in the snow. With arms outstretched, he called out, “Welcome! Welcome to the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Welcome home!” Sister Brett wanted her hymn to convey the warm welcome she received that day.

The following January, Sister Brett and her family sang “Welcome Home” at her father’s funeral, reflecting on how her father was being welcomed back to his heavenly home. She wrote: “This hymn expresses my testimony that someday, when I return to heaven, I will be reunited with my earthly parents, my heavenly parents, and beloved family and friends. They will be there with open arms to greet me.”

Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for Welcome Home



  • Jesus Christ provides love, peace, and grace to all who come unto Him.

  • Jesus Christ restored His Church to gather God’s children and prepare them for His Second Coming.

  • In the house of the Lord, we make sacred covenants that bind us to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Questions to Ponder

  • What can you do to feel closer to Jesus Christ when you participate in the sacrament?

  • When has worshipping with others at church or in the house of the Lord helped you to feel a sense of belonging?

  • What might you do to help others know and feel that they are loved at church?

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