“About the Hymns: Take My Heart and Let It Be Consecrated,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
Take My Heart and Let It Be Consecrated
Author Frances Ridley Havergal was the deeply religious daughter of a British pastor and composer. In December 1873, Havergal went to stay with some friends. As she later wrote, “There were ten persons in the house, some unconverted and long prayed for, some converted, but not rejoicing Christians.” Havergal prayed for all of them during her stay and was thrilled when each of them drew closer to God. She wrote, “The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and renewal of my own consecration.” The words to this hymn “formed themselves and chimed in [her] heart.” Havergal referred to this text as her “consecration hymn.”
The poem was eventually matched with a tune that Swiss minister César Malan had composed decades earlier. Malan had so consecrated himself to the Lord that he constructed a chapel in his own garden and preached there until the end of his life.
“Take My Heart and Let It Be Consecrated” invites us to consecrate our lives by offering the Lord our hearts, hands, voices, and wills in praise and service.
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for Take My Heart and Let It Be Consecrated
The first great commandment from heaven is that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
When we are willing to let God become the most important influence in our life, we allow His will to take priority over our own ambition.
Consecration includes dedicating our time, talents, and means to God and assisting in His work.
Questions to Ponder
How might learning more about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ help you seek to do God’s will instead of your own?
What are ways that you can show your devotion or consecration to God?
What can you share with others to prepare them to experience the same love you feel for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
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