“About the Hymns: Let Easter Anthems Ring,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
Let Easter Anthems Ring
The hymn “Let Easter Anthems Ring” combines a 19th-century tune with a 21st-century text. The hymn’s majestic tune, “Diademata,” was written in 1868 by George J. Elvey, organist and choirmaster at St. George’s Chapel, on the grounds of Windsor Castle in England. The tune’s name refers to the many crowns or diadems on Christ’s head mentioned in Revelation 19:12: “And on his head were many crowns.”
Author Larry A. Hiller worked for many years as a writer and editor for the Church magazines, including serving as managing editor of the international magazines. In 2011 a friend invited him to write a new text for Elvey’s classic hymn tune. “The music spoke to me,” recalls Brother Hiller, “and the words ‘Rise Up, Ye Saints, Rejoice’ immediately came into my mind.” The new hymn was published in the April 2012 Ensign under that title. In 2024, Brother Hiller revised the text to strengthen its message of rejoicing in the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and he renamed the hymn “Let Easter Anthems Ring.”
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for Let Easter Anthems Ring
While the death of a loved one brings sorrow and pain, the knowledge that Jesus overcame death through His Resurrection can bring peace and comfort.
Salvation from death was made possible for all of God’s children through Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are to be witnesses to others that Jesus suffered, died, and was resurrected for all of us.
Questions to Ponder
How can reading the scriptural accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ prepare you for when you experience the death of someone close to you?
Why is it important to help others better understand the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Have you experienced the peace and strength that can come daily to those who believe and follow Jesus Christ?
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