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About the Hymns: Star Bright

“About the Hymns: Star Bright,” About the Hymns (2025)

About the Hymns

Star Bright

The author and composer of “Star Bright,” Lorin F. Wheelwright, was a prominent musician and educator who wrote many hymns and children’s songs. Brother Wheelwright also served as a member of the Church’s Sunday School general board and as associate editor of The Instructor, a magazine for the Sunday School.

“Star Bright” was published in both English and Spanish in the October 1959 issue of The Instructor. In an accompanying article, Brother Wheelwright shared his thoughts about the song’s meaning, describing how the Book of Mormon prophet Samuel the Lamanite exhorted the people of his time to prepare for the coming of Christ. This event would be manifested by “a new star … such an one as ye never have beheld” (Helaman 14:5). Brother Wheelwright noted that though relatively few believed Samuel, those who did must have looked forward to the promised sign with joy and anticipation. Brother Wheelwright also encouraged all to “search [their] own hearts and the heavens for a sign of that great day when Christ will again return to the earth and in all His glory rescue mankind” (“Star Bright [Estrella de Luz],” The Instructor, Oct. 1959, 323). “Estrella de Luz” has been included in the Spanish children’s songbook since 1995.

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  • A new star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born.

  • Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth because He loves us.

  • We look forward with joy to the time when Jesus Christ will return to the earth.

Questions to Ponder

  • How can thinking about the birth of Jesus Christ help us feel Heavenly Father’s love?

  • Why do you think Jesus is sometimes called “the Light of the World”?

  • How can listening to the Lord’s living prophet help you prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

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