“About the Hymns: To Love like Thee,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
To Love like Thee
Author and composer Heather D. Zurcher was listening to the April 2018 general conference when President Russell M. Nelson announced that home and visiting teaching were being replaced with “ministering,” a new approach to caring for others. Sister Zurcher was inspired when President Jeffrey R. Holland spoke, encouraging Church members to help our Heavenly Father in “His staggering task of answering prayers.” She knew that this would mean leaving her comfort zone and would require humility and prayer. As she later pondered what she had learned from the conference, lyrics started coming to her mind—the beginnings of her hymn “To Love like Thee.”
Sister Zurcher drew from the scriptures to write the other three verses. Verse 2 teaches the doctrine found in Matthew 25:40 that as we serve God’s children, we serve Him. Verse 3 asks that we may see divinity in each person and reflect the Savior in our countenance (see Alma 5:14). And verse 4 references the Savior’s plea in John 21:16 to show our love for Him by feeding His sheep.
Sister Zurcher wanted her musical setting to feel reverent. Together, the words and music become a prayer for heaven’s help as we seek to minister to God’s children.
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for To Love like Thee
Reaching out and serving others helps us to feel God’s love.
Because every soul is precious to God, we seek to love others with charity.
We can pray for God’s help to recognize and serve others in need.
Questions to Ponder
Who could you bless if you sought to act with greater charity?
When have you felt Heavenly Father’s love as you served or received service from someone else?
What difference does it make for you to know that when we serve others, we are in the service of God?
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