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About the Hymns: Close as a Quiet Prayer

“About the Hymns: Close as a Quiet Prayer,” About the Hymns (2025)

About the Hymns

Close as a Quiet Prayer

Sally DeFord has written and arranged hundreds of songs to share her faith in the Savior and His gospel. Among these are special songs she has written for each of her children and grandchildren. While seeking inspiration about what to write for one grandchild, Sister DeFord felt impressed to write a song reassuring him that Heavenly Father would always hear his prayers. She then wrote “Close as a Quiet Prayer.”

Sister DeFord wanted to help her grandson, and all children, understand the comforting truth that Heavenly Father is always near, ready to hear their prayers. Whether they pray aloud, in a whisper, or in a silent plea, they can be confident that He will hear them. The song teaches that He smiles when we offer prayers of gratitude and comforts us when we are feeling lonely. In writing this song, Sister DeFord hoped that all children would feel enfolded in God’s love.

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  • We can feel Heavenly Father close to us when we pray.

  • Heavenly Father always hears us when we pray.

  • We can pray no matter where we are.

Questions to Ponder

  • When have you felt that Heavenly Father heard your prayers?

  • What are some blessings you thank Heavenly Father for when you pray?

  • Why can saying a prayer help when you feel lonely?

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