“About the Hymns: Holy Places,” About the Hymns (2025)
About the Hymns
Holy Places
In 2019 author and composer Sherrie Manwill Boren felt drawn to Doctrine and Covenants 87:8, in which the Lord commands His children to “stand … in holy places.” Sister Boren wanted to write a song that would teach not only how to recognize a holy place, but also how to make a place holy. She jotted down some ideas but then needed to set the project aside. A few months later, she awoke early one morning with words and music running through her mind, and by sunrise her first draft was complete.
Sister Boren recalls: “Less than a year later, we all saw our temples and chapels close due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Without our dedicated buildings, it suddenly became vitally important to have additional holy places in our lives, especially our homes and our hearts.” This hymn reminds us to purify ourselves as we await the time when the Savior will return to make the world “holy, clean, and new.”
Find lyrics, sheet music, and recordings for Holy Places
Temples are houses of the Lord where we can assist in His work.
Like the temple, our home can be a holy place where we can learn about God and feel His love.
When we seek to have God’s Spirit in our hearts, we can become more holy and more like Jesus Christ.
Questions to Ponder
How do you feel when you visit the temple?
What can you do to help your home feel more like the temple?
What are some ways that you can keep God’s love and His Spirit in your heart?
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