Ua asiasi atu Elder Christofferson i Viatename
Iuni 2021

O Aposetolo i le salafa o le Lalolagi

Elder Christofferson Asiasi atu i Viatename

E auauna atu le au Aposetolo i tagata i le salafa o le lalolagi ma aoao atu i latou e uiga ia Iesu Keriso.

Elder Christofferson with President and Sister Nelson

Ia Novema 2019, na malaga atu ai Elder D. Todd Christofferson i Viatename ma Peresitene Russell M. Nelson.

Church members in Vietnam singing

Sa saunoa Elder Christofferson o le asiasiga a Peresitene Nelson o se faamanatu i tagata Viatename e taua i latou i le Tama Faalelagi.

children in Primary

O le Ekalesia i Viatename e laitiiti i le taimi nei, ae na fai mai Elder Christofferson o le a tuputupu a’e ma malosi.

a little girl holding her family’s hands

O lenei tamaitai ma lona aiga na omai e faalogo i le perofeta ma Elder Christofferson.

Elder Christofferson and President Nelson waving

Sa faafetai atu Elder Christofferson i tagata mo le olioli ua latou aumaia i isi.

Elder Christofferson speaking at a podium
  • * Church News, 19 Nov., 2019.
