Fa’aorahia i te auahi
Novema 2022

’Ā’amu nō roto mai i te mau pāpa’ira’a mo’a

Fa’aorahia i te auahi

Illustration of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego sitting together talking.

E mau hoa maita’i ’o Sadaraka, Meseka ’e Abede-nego. ’Ua tauturu rātou te tahi i te tahi ’ia mā’iti i te maita’i.

King Nebuchadnezzar II demands that everybody bow down and worship a graven image.

I te hō’ē mahana, ’ua parau te ari’i i te mau ta’ata ato’a ’ia pure i te hō’ē ti’i ’auro. Mai te mea ’aita rātou e nā reira, e huri ’oia ia rātou i roto i te auahi.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refuse to bow down and worship the graven image.

’Ua pure te tahi atu mau ta’ata i te ti’i. ’Āre’a rā nā hoa e toru, ’ua pure noa rātou i te Atua.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are thrown into the fiery furnace.

’Ua riri te ari’i. ’Ua huri ’oia ia Sadaraka, Meseka, ’e ia Abede-nego i roto i te auahi.

Jehovah appears to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace and protects them from the consuming flames.

’Aita rā rātou i pa’apa’a i te auahi ! ’Ua ti’a te hō’ē ta’ata nō te ra’i i pīha’i iho ia rātou ’e ’ua pāruru ia rātou.

A young girl declines to look at something on a smartphone

E nehenehe au e mā’iti i te maita’i, noa atu e mea fifi ’ia nā reira. E tauturu mai Iesu iā’u ’e e pārahi mai ’oia i pīha’i iho iā’u !

brother and sister walking toward temple

Fa’ahōho’araʼa nā Apryl Stott
