Ես կարող եմ հետևել Հիսուսին աղոթելով
Հունվար 2022

Ես կարող եմ հետևել Հիսուսին աղոթելով

Panel 1 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Ես կարող եմ աղոթել Երկնային Հորը։

Panel 3 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Ես կարող եմ աղոթել առավոտյան արթնանալիս։

Panel 2 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Ես կարող եմ աղոթել քնելուց առաջ։

Panel 4 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Ես կարող եմ աղոթել ցանկացած պահի։

Խաղի ժամ

Panel 5 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Ե՞րբ եք դուք աղոթում ձեր ընտանիքի հետ։ Գտեք ստորև թաքնված առարկաները։

Նկարները` Լաուրա Զարինի
