Mālō e Lelei mei Hongo Kongo!
Tīsema 2022

Mālō e Lelei mei Hongo Kongo!

Kau fakataha mo Mako mo Paolo ʻi heʻena fononga ʻi he māmaní ke ako fekauʻaki mo e fānau ʻa e Tamai Hevaní.

Ko Hongo Kongó ko ha kolo mo e vahefonua ia ʻo Siaina. ʻOku nofo ai ha kakai ʻe meimei toko 7.5 miliona.

Kāingalotu ʻo e Siasí

A group of primary children and teachers work on a primary program. They are practicing inside a chapel. They are in an LDS Church Building in Hong Kong. This is part of a stock photography shoot in Cambodia and Hong Kong

ʻOku nofo ha kakai ʻo ha ngaahi tui fakalotu lahi ʻi Hongo Kongo. ʻOku kau ai ha kāingalotu ʻe toko 25,000 nai ʻo e Siasí. ʻOku akoako fakahoko ʻe he fānau ko ʻení ha polokalama Palaimeli.

Lea Fakafonuá

This image is green sign with yellow Chinese characters. Spot illustrations of various Hong Kong landmarks, a number of neon signs featuring Chinese letters, and dim sum.

Ko e tokolahi taha ʻo e kakai ʻi hení ʻoku nau lea ʻaki ha lea faka-Siaina ʻoku ui ko e Faka-Kenitoní. ʻI he lea faka-Kenitoní, ʻoku makatuʻunga ʻa e ʻuhinga ʻo ha foʻi lea ʻi he leʻó—ʻa hono māʻolunga pe maʻulalo ʻo e ngaahi ongó.

Timi Samu

This image is a close up of the food. Spot illustrations of various Hong Kong landmarks, a number of neon signs featuring Chinese letters, and dim sum.

ʻOku lahi e fanga kiʻi tisi iiki, hangē ko e tōpai kuo fakafonu, ngaahi foʻi pani, kakanoʻi manu, laise, mo e keke ʻi ha maʻu meʻatokoni timi samu. ʻOku faʻa kai ia ʻe he kakaí ʻi ha ngaahi kulupu tokolahi.

Moʻui ʻi he Koló

A series of images of a Chinese family going on a walk together. They can be seen walking through the city, a park, and enjoying their time together. Family consists of three sons, a mother and a father. One of the sons is being pushed in a stroller.

Ko ha kolo lahi mo femoʻuekina ʻa Hongo Kongo mo ha kakai tokolahi mo ha ngaahi fale māʻolunga. ʻOku ʻi ai ha fale māʻolunga ʻe 500 tupu—ʻo lahi ange ia ʻi ha toe kolo he māmaní!

Temipale Hong Kong China

Rendering of the exterior of the Hong Kong China Temple.

ʻOku ʻi ai ha fungavaka ʻe ono ʻi he temipale ko ʻení. Naʻe langa ia ke māʻolunga kae ʻikai ke fālahi koeʻuhí he ʻoku siʻisiʻi ʻa e feituʻu ʻataʻatā ʻi he koló.

Page from the December 2022 Friend Magazine.

Ngaahi tā fakatātā ʻa Katie McDee
