O A Mea a Aposetoo e Fai?
Oketopa 2023

“O A Mea a Aposetolo e Fai?” Uo, Oke. 2023, 22.

O Tali mai se Aposetolo

O A Mea a Aposetolo e Fai?

Sii mai le “Inside the Quorum of the Twelve: The Divine Calling Apostles Share with Missionaries,” Church News, Iulai 13, 2018; ma le “Inside the Quorum of the Twelve: Called as Witnesses of Christ in All the World,” Church News, Auk. 3, 2018.

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Ata na tusia e David Habben

E valaauina aposetolo e le Atua. O i latou o soo o Iesu Keriso.

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

O le upu aposetolo o lona uiga “o lē ua auina atu.”

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

Latou te malaga i le lalolagi atoa e auauna atu i tagata e pei ona sa faia e Iesu.

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

E aoao atu e Aposetolo le talalelei ma auina atu faifeautalai e aoao atu foi.
