Talofa mai Peru!
Oketopa 2023

“Talofa mai Peru!” Uo, Oke. 2023, 18–19.

Talofa mai Peru!

Aoao e uiga i fanau a le Tama Faalelagi i le lalolagi atoa.

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

O Peru o se atunuu i Amerika i Saute. E silia ma le 33 miliona tagata e nonofo ai iina!

Machu Picchu

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

O Machu Picchu o se aai anamua e maualuga i Mauga o Andes. Sa fausia e tagata Inca i le fia selau o tausaga ua mavae. Sa latou faaaogaina alalaupapa e fau i maea e feaei ai i vanu!

Lafu Manu

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

I Peru, e tausia e tagata mamoe, Iama, ma alapaka i atumauga. Latou te faaaogaina le fulufulu o manu e fai ai lavalava, palanikeke, ma fala.

Dolphins Piniki

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

O dolphins piniki e nonofo i le Vaitafe o Amasone! E amata le vaitafe i mauga o Peru ma tafe atu i le vaomatua o le Amasone.


Hello in different languages.

O Peru e tolu ona gagana aloaia: Sipaniolo, Quechua, ma Aymara. O le toatele o tagata e tautatala faaSipaniolo. E tele isi gagana o loo tautalagia i le vaomatua o le Amasone!


Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

E silia ma le 600,000 tagata o le Ekalesia e nonofo i Peru. O Peru e tolu ona malumalu, ma le isi tolu o loo fuafua e fausia!

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Ata na tusia e Kelly Smith
