19. peatükk: Mäejutlus

19. peatükk


Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaching on a mountainside by the Sea of Galilee - ch.20-1

Ühel päeval õpetas Jeesus oma jüngritele evangeeliumi Galilea järve lähedal mäel.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus is teaching the people how to live - ch.20-2

Ta õpetas, kuidas elada nii, et nad oleksid õnnelikud ja saaksid elada taas koos Taevase Isaga.Tema õpetused teevad ka meid õnnelikuks.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus is telling the people to be gentle, patient and willing to follow the Lord - ch.20-3

Jeesus ütles, et me peaksime olema leplikud, kannatlikud ja täis tahet kuuletuda Taevasele Isale.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people that they should be righteous - ch.20-4

Me peaksime püüdma teha kõik selleks, et olla õigemeelsed.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches that we should forgive those who do wrong to us - a man who has been injured is pictured with his attacker - ch.20-5

Me peaksime andestama inimestele, kes meile haiget teevad või panevad meid ennast halvasti tundma.Kui me neile andestame, andestab Taevane Isa meile.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to be peacemakers - people giving food to others is depicted -  ch.20-6

Me peaksime olema rahutoojad. Me peaksime armastama teisi inimesi. Me peaksime aitama kõigil üksteist armastada.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells the people to spread the gospel and do good - a man teaching an older woman is depicted - ch.20-7

Me ei peaks kartma rääkida inimestele evangeeliumist või näidata neile, et me armastame Taevast Isa.Kui teised inimesed näevad meid head tegemas, aitab see ka neil Jumalasse uskuda.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to keep promises - a man is depicted giving money to a woman who is selling bread - ch.20-8

Me peaksime alati täitma oma lubadusi.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus teaches the people to treat others as they would want to be treated - a man is depicted helping a lame man walk - ch.20-9

Ja kuna me tahame, et teised oleksid meie vastu lahked, peaksime olema lahked teiste vastu.

Sermon on the Mount - Jesus tells the people they will be happy and blessed if they follow they things He has told them - ch.20-10

Jeesus ütles, et neid asju tehes oleme õnnelikud. Taevane Isa õnnistab meid. Me saame taas elada Tema juures.