Seminaries and Institutes
Ecclesiastes 1–2: ‘All Is Vanity’

“Ecclesiastes 1–2: ‘All Is Vanity’” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 136

“Ecclesiastes 1–2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 136

Ecclesiastes 1–2

“All Is Vanity”

Ecclesiastes 1–2 records what the “preacher” (as he calls himself) told about his search to find some lasting feeling of joy and happiness. As you read, think about how you feel about the things he saw and did and what he sought.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Ecclesiastes 1–2.

  1. Make a List

    List at least five items from Ecclesiastes 1–2 that the writer said should have made him happy but did not. After each item on your list, write the reference of the verse where you found it. You may want to highlight in your scriptures the five things you chose to list.

  2. Do You Agree or Disagree?

    Read Ecclesiastes 1:18. Write to the preacher and tell him why you agree or disagree with his statement there.
