Seminaries and Institutes
Isaiah 2: Come to the Mountain of the Lord

“Isaiah 2: Come to the Mountain of the Lord,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 139–40

“Isaiah 2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 139–40

Isaiah 2

Come to the Mountain of the Lord

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will usher in a thousand-year period of peace on earth called the Millennium. The wicked will be destroyed at the time of the Savior’s Coming, but those prepared to receive Him will be spared and rejoice with Him. What must we do to prepare? In a well-known prophecy, Isaiah told ancient and modern Israel what they must do to prepare to meet the Lord and live in the Millennium. This prophecy is “dualistic,” meaning that it can apply to more than one time and place. As such, the prophecy not only teaches general principles of what ancient Israel must do to establish His kingdom but also suggests a specific location of that kingdom in the last days prior to the Second Coming and Millennium.

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi quoted Isaiah chapters 2–14. Locating footnotes in your Bible, as well as comparing these chapters to the ones in 2 Nephi, may help you better understand what you read.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Isaiah 2.

  1. Make a Drawing or Sketch

    Draw a representation of the ideas found in Isaiah 2:2–3.

  2. Give a Modern Example

    The basic message of Isaiah 2:2–4 is that Zion will be established when Israel places the temple and its ordinances and laws above everything else in their lives.

    1. Read Isaiah 2:6–9 and list what the Lord said was preventing the people from receiving the blessings of the temple at that time. Give a modern example of each item listed. (Make sure you compare verse 9 to 2 Nephi 12:9.)

    2. According to Isaiah 2:10–22, what will happen at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to all who will not accept Him because of their pride?
