Seminaries and Institutes
Ezekiel 34: The Shepherds of Israel

“Ezekiel 34: The Shepherds of Israel,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 172

“Ezekiel 34,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 172

Ezekiel 34

The Shepherds of Israel

Ezekiel 34 records additional responsibilities of Church leaders. The Lord this time compared leaders to shepherds over His sheep (people). During His earthly ministry, the Lord called Himself the “good shepherd” (John 10:14). As you read Ezekiel 34, look for what the Lord said He does that makes Him a good shepherd and for what He said the leaders of the people had done that made them bad shepherds. Look also for what He said about the sheep.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Ezekiel 34.

  1. What Makes a Good Leader?

    1. According to Ezekiel 34:1–10, 18–19, why were Israel’s leaders bad “shepherds” of the Lord’s people?

    2. List the qualities of a good shepherd found in Ezekiel 34:11–16, and explain how someone serving in the presidency of an Aaronic Priesthood quorum or Young Women class could apply each quality to his or her calling.
