Seminaries and Institutes
Genesis 38–39: Joseph’s Righteousness

“Genesis 38–39: Joseph’s Righteousness,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 35

“Genesis 38–39,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 35

Genesis 38–39

Joseph’s Righteousness

Genesis 38 tells the story of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob (Israel), and his example of wickedness. We read that he married out of the covenant and did not care for his family as he should have. We also read that he broke the law of chastity with his daughter-in-law, although he didn’t know that it was her at the time.

In contrast, Genesis 39 tells us how Joseph sought to do good. Even though Joseph was a faithful young man, he experienced great trials. It was possible that he would never see his family again. How would you feel in a similar situation? Far away from anyone of your faith, what would you do about your religious beliefs and practices?

On one occasion, the Prophet Joseph Smith told Elder George A. Smith: “Never be discouraged … [I]f I were sunk in the lowest pit of Nova Scotia, with the Rocky Mountains piled on me, I would hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I would come out on top” (in John Henry Evans, Joseph Smith: An American Prophet [1933], 9). As you read Genesis 39, look for how Joseph was an example of the Prophet Joseph’s statement.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Genesis 38–39.

  1. Find a Repeated Idea

    1. Read Genesis 39:2–3, 21, 23 and find a phrase that is similar in all four verses. (You may want to underline the phrase in your scriptures.) Why do you think it was important for Joseph to know this to be true?

    2. What did Joseph do in Genesis 39 that allowed the phrase in verses 2–3 to still be true in verses 21, 23?

  2. Scripture Mastery—Genesis 39:9

    1. What reasons did Joseph give for resisting Potiphar’s wife’s invitation to be immoral?

    2. What impresses you most about Joseph’s statement and actions? How could you use the same ideas to resist temptation in your own life?
