Seminaries and Institutes
Micah 6–7: Israel’s Sins and the Lord’s Mercy

“Micah 6–7: Israel’s Sins and the Lord’s Mercy,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 187–88

“Micah 6–7,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 187–88

Micah 6–7

Israel’s Sins and the Lord’s Mercy

Micah 6 records that the Lord condemned Israel for their dishonesty and greed, their violence, and their idolatry. Micah 7 sets forth the Lord’s promise that in the last days, when Israel repents and returns to the Lord, He will have mercy upon them.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Micah 6–7.

  1. What Is Required?

    1. According to Micah 6:7–8, what is required to be “good” in the Lord’s sight?

    2. Micah 6:7–8 was written for people many years ago. Rewrite verse 7 using examples of what people might give today that are not “good” unless accompanied by the Christlike qualities listed in verse 8.
