Seminaries and Institutes
Job 1: Job Loses Everything, Except …

“Job 1: Job Loses Everything, Except …” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 129

“Job 1,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 129

Job 1

Job Loses Everything, Except …

When something bad happens to you, how do you react? How do you feel toward God? Do you feel differently toward God or yourself if a bad thing happened to you and you “did nothing wrong”? Job 1 tells how Job reacted to what happened to him. Consider how you would react in his situation.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Job 1.

  1. Write a Recommendation for Job

    If Job were applying for work and asked you to write a recommendation letter about the kind of person he was, what would you say about him, based on what you read in Job 1?

  2. Same or Different?

    Describe how Job responded to what happened to him and how his reaction compares to the way you think righteous people would have responded.
