“Ezekiel 33: Watchment on the Tower,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 171–72
“Ezekiel 33,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 171–72
Watchmen on the Tower
Why are parents and leaders at every level of Church government so concerned about teaching people and encouraging them to repent?
Throughout history, people have had to guard against attack from neighboring tribes or nations. As part of their plan for protection they built towers on the walls of their cities and placed watchmen in the towers to watch for approaching enemies. If the people ignored the watchmen, they placed themselves at great risk. At the same time, if watchmen did not do their duty, an entire city could be destroyed. Ezekiel 33 records the comparison of leaders in Israel to watchmen.
Studying the Scriptures
Do activity A as you study Ezekiel 33.
Solve Problems Using the Scriptures
Ezekiel 33:1–9 explains the role and importance of a watchman. The Lord calls upon prophets, other priesthood and Church leaders, and parents to be watchmen for His people. Consider the following situations and answer the questions at the end of each according to the principles taught in Ezekiel 33:1–9:
One of the favorite activities of the youth is to watch movies on video. These videos are often below the standards of the Church. What should the parents do? The bishop? The Young Men and the Young Women presidents? The youth? Yourself?
In addition to other practice times, the soccer coach scheduled team practice every Sunday morning. He expects every player to participate. What should parents do? The bishop? The youth on the team?