undefined undefined Ecclesiastes 7–11: Finding Some Contentment in Life
Ecclesiastes 7–11: Finding Some Contentment in Life

“Ecclesiastes 7–11: Finding Some Contentment in Life,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 137

“Ecclesiastes 7–11,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 137

Ecclesiastes 7–11

Finding Some Contentment in Life

Having said that “all is vanity,” or that nothing really brings a fulness of joy, the preacher used Ecclesiastes 7–11 to tell what he thought could bring a person some temporary happiness. Even though “all is vanity,” he preached that there are still some ways of living that bring more happiness than others.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Ecclesiastes 7–11.

  1. Summarize the Teachings

    Read the following verses from Ecclesiastes 7–11 and summarize what the preacher said a person should know or do to have some amount of happiness and contentment in life: 7:1, 11–12, 17–22; 8:12–13; 9:4–10; 10:8, 12–14; 11:1, 8–10.