undefined undefined Deuteronomy 9–10: The Lord Will Help
Deuteronomy 9–10: The Lord Will Help

“Deuteronomy 9–10: The Lord Will Help,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 74

“Deuteronomy 9–10,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 74

Deuteronomy 9–10

The Lord Will Help

One of the primary reasons the previous generation of Israelites refused to enter the promised land was that they were afraid of the people who already lived there. Deuteronomy 9–10 tells that Moses assured the Israelites that the Lord would help them destroy the Canaanites and enter the promised land. Moses warned the Israelites, however, to not be prideful about the help they would receive.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Deuteronomy 9–10.

  1. What Does the Lord Require?

    1. What did the Lord say He required of Israel, and why? (see Deuteronomy 10:12–22).

    2. List what you learn about God in these verses that would help you want to do what He requires.