undefined undefined Exodus 1: Courageous Midwives
Exodus 1: Courageous Midwives

“Exodus 1: Courageous Midwives,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 42

“Exodus 1,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 42

Exodus 1

Courageous Midwives

What do you do when you know something is wrong but you are told by powerful and important people to do it anyway? Exodus 1 gives an example of a group of women faced with that kind of a situation.

Studying the Scriptures

Do either activities A and B or activity C only as you study Exodus 1.

  1. Finish These Sentences

    1. Pharaoh made life more difficult for the children of Israel because …

    2. Pharaoh commanded the midwives to …

    3. The midwives disobeyed Pharaoh’s commands because …

  2. Identify the Principle

    Read Doctrine and Covenants 3:7–8. How does it apply to what the midwives did? You may want to write “Exodus 1:15–22” in the margin next to verses 7–8.

  3. Apply the Principle

    1. Write about whether you think it is easier to fear what friends think or to fear God, and explain why.

    2. Name a way you think people your age fear man more than God. Write a letter in your notebook to a person with this challenge to help him or her understand what should be done. Use what you learn in Doctrine and Covenants 3:7–8 and the story in Exodus 1 in what you write.